"I don't do those cause they hurt my back..." http://youtu.be/9X3g8-v3iOw And because of that I stopped putting the Romanian Deadlifts into most programs because inevitably I got that or, "I don't know how to do that" I know, you're thinking? WTF? You don't know how to bend over? To which I respond: It's NOT about "bending over" and that's the problem. People think it's just bending over.... It's about: "hinging the hips". http://youtu.be/Gh5lyIbMe8c Bending over happens when the torso (shoulders) is projected forward over the toes with little to no backwards counter-movement of the hips and is usually accompanied by a flexing or "unlocking" … [Read more...]
The Dangers of Blowouts
Blowouts are bad... When they happen to trucks: http://youtu.be/_cW9twzLbi0 When it happens to your hair: When you lift (heavy) weights: To quote a fitness professional, "You have good form but you hold your breath. I prefer the BlOWOUT method. Breathe in as you lower the weight and blow it out as you press it. "- Stuck in the 80's gym guy in track suit. And for LOTS of people that is the conventional wisdom..... The only problem is, You (probably) increase your chance of getting injured. Yes, the common gym broscience of "breathing the weight up" is, in the vast majority of cases.... Incredibly Stupid. However there are caveats: Are … [Read more...]
5 (More) Pretty Common Ways to Jack Yourself Up in the Gym Part 2
A New Year means... Newbies and LOTs of really, really bad things going on. http://youtu.be/hFmTP1ZIuZw Read the last 5 gym atrocities I went over here...... Here's a few more things that are not good, and by that I mean completely suck...like, a lot.: Jacked Up Thing 6: The 2-Minute Stretch the Calves and Hamstrings Warmup If the totality of your warm-up is 3 minutes of these: You Suck..... It takes waaaay more than that to get the body ready to move, and be loaded after a day of keyboard pounding. If you're not taking the time to warm-up … [Read more...]
How Not to Be a Fat Ass in 2013
"I'll Eat better after the New Year" "My new years resolution is to eat better" "I really need to lose some weight next year" "I'll start my diet after the new year" Year after year after year the same people tell themselves the same lie story, always with the same ending.... and it's not this: or this: It's more like this: Oh hey, I couldn't find Tomorrow on my calendar, when is that exactly? But when you do decide to get your sh@t together and clean up your diet he's some quick and easy guidelines to follow. Step One: Stop Making Excuses: Take ACTION...make things happen. Things don't change by thinking about them, they … [Read more...]
Cheerleaders and Progress
Cheerleaders, everyone likes them.... Except maybe hardcore feminists and that's still only a maybe... What's not to like? They're always really happy......even when their team is getting crushed. They do ridiculously precise and dangerous athletic maneuvers. http://youtu.be/9GEfPiJhaQ8 and they are really easy on the eyes. So yeah, at sporting events, cheerleaders get a big thumbs up: But at the gym they really suck azz.... ......like totally, for sure.... Just hold tight and keep reading, this is going somewhere I promise.... Too many people and too many trainers buy into this "motivation" BS. Folks hire a "trainer" to … [Read more...]
Some Laughs for Christmas…
It's Christmas.... Go eat LOTS of bad for you food...be fat, be happy and get back on the horse tomorrow. In light of the holiday festivities here's some stuff to laugh at. Have a great Christmas and thanks for reading. The site has grown consistently since launching in July and it's nice to know that someone other than just my mother thinks I'm saying something that's worth listening to. Happy Holidays......and don't overdo it. … [Read more...]
5 Pretty Common Ways to Jack Yourself Up in the Gym Part 1
What does this guy have in common with you? Chances are you're both: Jacked Up, This is a phrase largely equivalent to screwed up. It roughly means "in a state of disarray" and is commonly used in the phrase "to jack someone/something up". urban dictionary People come to the gym to un-jack themselves but a lot of the stuff they do when they get here is completely Fubared. Here's 5 off the top of my head things I see and why doing them isn't helping but hurting you and your progress. Jacked Up Thing 1: Walking on a Flat Treadmill. Walking on a flat treadmill, incline at 0%, is terrible for your knees and hips. On a treadmill you're not actually propelling … [Read more...]
Doing It Better: Dumbbell Bench with Progressions
Monday is and will always be National bench Press day. That's just how it is folks....there are too many Bro's in wifebeaters, Ed Hardy jeans and blowouts in gyms across America for it to be any other way. Short of a major cultural shift, we're going to have to try to educate the "indigenous" people of Bro'merica. It's going to have to be a slow and (almost) painless progression as we move them from a regimen of chest, shoulders and bi's 3 x's a week to well-rounded programs that include things like The entire back side of your body. and The very skinny things they walk on....I think they call them toothpicks legs. But we'll have to take it … [Read more...]