This book has little to do with training..... and.. EVERYTHING to do with training. Virtually every very successful person in my field (training, exercise, paid for push-ups) lists this as one of the best/ most influential books to read. Now i know why. Why Zebras Don't get Ulcers is about the stress response and how it affects our bodies. Most of the book deals with chronic disease and how stress opens the door for disease to take hold. The take home point of the book is that: "the things we all find stressful- traffic jams, money, worries, overwork, the anxieties of relationships. Few of them are "real" in the sense that the zebra or lion would … [Read more...]
Doing it Better: Elbows Flared Edition
Here's a secret: Just about every guy (and girl) gets into working out because they want to look better. This has been the truth since forever... At the heart of it all: We all want to get laid We want to get laid by good-looking people. We believe that being "in shape" gives us the best chance of this occurring. So if you're like me and about a gazillion other red-blooded, testosterone driven teenage boys out there you decide to start lifting weights. Eventually, after a few weeks, months, years maybe of aimlessly doing whatever..... i.e. 3 days a week of benches, incline benches, dumbbell flys, biceps curls and a set of leg extensions just for … [Read more...]
Doing it Better: Exercises That Don’t Hurt You.
I'm a total Debbie Downer.... Last time I was all like, "you shouldn't do these stupid things" and folks were all like, "But I like to do what should I do instead?" .....actually, they were like, "YOU SUCK, azzhole"... but really that's an everyday thing and doesn't fit the narrative or this blog....any way. I really hate when people point out what's wrong or point out a problem and NEVER give a possible solution. That's not productive. So, in the name of productivity here are substitutes for the Exercises that are Hurting You. Parallel Bar Dip vs. Bench Dip: If you have shoulder issues dips probably are not a good … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: Exercises that are Hurting You Edition
"There are no dangerous exercises, just dangerous coaches" For the most part I completely agree with that statement. When people talk about how squats wrecked their knees, deadlifts destroyed their backs and bench presses jacked-up their shoulders they have it all wrong. Fact is: "Squats didn't hurt your knees. The way YOU squat hurt your knees"- Dan John Obviously, there are people who for whatever reason, usually mobility/ stability or anthropometric related limitations, should not do certain exercises. But for the most part it's not the exercise its you.... There are however a few exercises which are inherently stupid. Granted, you may be lucky … [Read more...]
Nondenominational Holiday Gift Guide.
It's that time of year again!!! You get waste your life away in lines. Gain weight! YEA!!!!!! Get into fist-fights over the last Furby. Spend too much money and vow lie to never do it again. Wear sweaters that need double A batteries. Buy things for people that they don't really want..... Then in an act of peer pressure have them buy you things that you really don't want.... Ahhhhhhhh, consumerism. I'm joking.... not really OK, for realzzzz, I am...........kinda. Let's face it we get lots of crap we don't really want/ need or we'll just never use. I sure as hell do. Panini Press- Still in the box...I … [Read more...]
Quick answers to some of the most common questions I get asked. Q. Weights or Cardio first? A. If you must do both in the same session....Weights (most of the time) Q. Do Squats Hurt your knees? A. Performed correctly, NO. Q. Are Deadlifts bad for your back? A. Performed correctly NO. Like this...... you know the answer...... Q. Squats or Deadlifts? A. Why Choose? Q. Are bench presses bad for your shoulders?. A. Performed correctly, No. See a trend here? Q. Should I overhead press? A. Probably not. B.A. (Better Answer): You probably don't have the scapular stability, and … [Read more...]
The Fat Man is Coming
Thought I was talking about this guy right? Nope. I was talking about YOU. Halloween just got done, Thanksgiving is in a couple of weeks and Christmas and New Years are right after that. Wha this time of year is a really good opportunity to get fat...and quick. Dose of stark reality, unless you're a glutton during this entire stretch (which I understand because I can be) you shouldn't gain more than 5 pounds....and honestly that's pushing it. People always say, "I gained 10 pounds" last year...and that's complete crap. Most people gain between 1-4 pounds but "feel" fat because they are bloated from the sodium and carbs. That said, excuses to eat like … [Read more...]