What the hell is this about? Someone please explain to me what standing on a stability ball with a golf club is supposed to do. Go ahead, I'll wait. Let's use some logic and THINK about this..... Q: Is it sport specific? A: No, it's not. When you play golf...THE GROUND DOESN'T MOVE!...so why would be practice on a ball which does? Q: Does this mimic the golf swing in appearance? A: No, Look at his feet. The ankle joint has changed which means the activation patterns across it as well as the knee and hip and through the spine (core) and shoulder girdle..i.e. The ENTIRE KINETIC CHAIN has changed. Therefore, the swing MUST be different in some … [Read more...]
Zombies and Diets: Both eat your Brain
Seriously they do.... Zombies: Zombie Nutritionist Recommends All- Brain Diet "Our research indicates that live human brains are not merely the cornerstone of a healthy diet; they are, in fact, the only food an active adult zombie should consume at all," -Rossum Diets: Why Diets Don't Work: Starved Brain Cells Eat Themselves, Study Finds. "When we don't eat, hunger-inducing neurons in the brain start eating bits of themselves. The act of self-cannibalism turns up a hunger signal to prompt eating. "- Science Daily Empirically proven: Diets are as dangerous as Zombies.....take that Atkins! … [Read more...]
Hitler on Crossfit
This just about covers it all: http://youtu.be/3Z2b2x6C5o0 Hat tip- http://asp.elitefts.com/qa/training-logs.asp?qid=150612&tid= … [Read more...]
Holy Sh*t…Sport Science article on…Yahoo?
No really it's true... I thought is was BS at first but it's not. Yahoo sports ran a Grrrrrrrrrrrreat article about Usain Bolt and more so sprinting and running speed. Usain Bolt: A Case Study in Science of Sprinting- Jay Hart Hint: He's not fast because of "advanced training techniques" taught at the local "speed camp". Nor is it Under Armour 360 Combine training, HIT training, Crossfit or even 5/3/1.... Nope, not because of cones or parachutes, kettlebells, Bosu balls, bands or even chains......not even chains? Nope. It has more to do with Sir Issac Newton. Sprinting Speed= How much force exerted against ground and how long that … [Read more...]
Blog Neglect and bad ass Girl Squats.
Thats what I've practiced for 2 months now... Every time I get going again I get really busy and Mr. Mc Blog goes to the back burner. So to stave that off I'll go with some "quick hitters" in between my always thoughtful, insightlful and all around awesome blog genius. Best blog post I've read in awhile- "Trainers Wanted" from Sean Hyson. This is epic, finally someone from the "inside" tells the truth about the main stream media and fitness training. i.e. It's a giant joke/ lie and the joke is on YOU! It's worth your 2 minutes, whether you work in the field or not....probably more so if not.. Best line: "Most of these “trainers to the stars” and other TV … [Read more...]
Shelby Starnes is a Pussy…but being jacked is cool.
Yeah, he might be jacked: and yeah, he might have an encyclopedic knowledge of nutrition, be on the Q&A and have a log at EliteFTS.som...and yeah, he might help people get in sick shape super fast: and be really f-ing strong (just read the log).....but he's still a pussy. Here's the proof, (in regards to lat pulldowns), "I always wear straps. If that makes me a pussy, that is fine."- Lean Gain Principles pg. 33 ....proof positive Mr. Starnes you are a total puss...now turn in your man-card... Personal note: Shelby, please don't find me and pummel the shit out of me. K? Thanks. Shelby and Steve Colescott teamed up to write the Lean Gain … [Read more...]
Yoga, Jacks up knees…but it can cure cancer?? WTF!
Headline: Yoga bad for your knees, Indian doctor warns. -Dean Nelson. Guess what? Yoga can jack up people knees... "Dr Ashok Rajgopal says he has performed knee replacement surgery on a number of leading yoga gurus." Guess what? Over stretching a joint isn't a good thing and leads to orthopedic problems, "according to Dr Rajgopal, the extreme stretching exercises at the heart of the discipline cause severe stress on joints, leading to arthritis." Guess what? Yoga can cure HIV aids and cancer.. "Some of its most charismatic teachers, like India's Baba Ramdev, who has built a worldwide empire through television appearances, believe its breathing … [Read more...]