Science is a Real Bitch. Especially when it's in the hands of the lay person when it comes to health/ fitness and wellness. Why? Cause most people have little to zero actual scientific understanding of what the hell is going on, so they believe the thing of the minute, what's new, cool and what their friends are doing. Or, worst of all they follow the fear box TV. Case in Point: Gluten: "Gluten, wholy Sh@t my pants, GLUTEN. WTF are we gonna do? That sh@t is in everything! We're not adapted to it, it's GMO nightmare on a stick, I mean, in a loaf...I hate f-ing gluten" via nutty4nutrition Everyone went "off" gluten and went, " It's the best I've ever … [Read more...]
Something You Should Be Thankful For…
Your Health.... Just as much as your Family, Job, Success, Nunchuck Skills or Sweet Hoop Ride with the Whistle Tip. Cold Hard Truth: If YOUR health is any less than the best it can be, you're not optimizing YOU, restricting your life, burdening others and bringing less than 100% to any relationship you're in. Think about It: All these things involve INTERACTION between YOU and other people or things. Because of that, it's your responsibility to bring the best you possible to all of your relationships. If you're not at your best you're not capable of doing your best work.... So, if you have your health be thankful for that, … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Healthy Bodybuilder & Powerlifter
Dying to Win? Common misconception "normal people" have about bodybuilding and powerlifting: These activities are "good" for your health. Common misconception "normal people" have about bodybuilders and (some) powerlifters: They're the picture of perfect health. Basically it goes something like this: "Those guys are in such great shape, they workout all the time how could they have any health issues?" Here's how: "Bodybuilding is an extreme sport; it involves pushing human capacity to its absolute limit. As an extreme sport bodybuilding carries with it a certain amount of risk." - The Healthy Bodybuilder Both are extreme sports. One … [Read more...]
Beach Season Is Coming… Fat Loss Eating 101
Look, it's March...that gives you PLENTY of time to be Jacked, if not TAN, by the unofficial start of summer... Memorial Day. But there are some rules you have to follow: (in order of importance) Nutrition Diet Food Intake Macronutrient Breakdown Workouts Doing "other" stuff...just moving around more Hopefully you've used your powers of deduction to ascertain that.. WHAT and how much of WHAT YOU STUFF IN YOUR FACE IS IMPORTANT. Like, very....for realllzzzz. Basic Nutrition Rules: 1. Don't eat sh@t. Stick to: Lean Meats Vegetables Fruits I know some people are all like, "Don't eat fruit, it makes you fat". How many fat … [Read more...]
How Not to Be a Fat Ass in 2013
"I'll Eat better after the New Year" "My new years resolution is to eat better" "I really need to lose some weight next year" "I'll start my diet after the new year" Year after year after year the same people tell themselves the same lie story, always with the same ending.... and it's not this: or this: It's more like this: Oh hey, I couldn't find Tomorrow on my calendar, when is that exactly? But when you do decide to get your sh@t together and clean up your diet he's some quick and easy guidelines to follow. Step One: Stop Making Excuses: Take ACTION...make things happen. Things don't change by thinking about them, they … [Read more...]
The Fat Man is Coming
Thought I was talking about this guy right? Nope. I was talking about YOU. Halloween just got done, Thanksgiving is in a couple of weeks and Christmas and New Years are right after that. Wha this time of year is a really good opportunity to get fat...and quick. Dose of stark reality, unless you're a glutton during this entire stretch (which I understand because I can be) you shouldn't gain more than 5 pounds....and honestly that's pushing it. People always say, "I gained 10 pounds" last year...and that's complete crap. Most people gain between 1-4 pounds but "feel" fat because they are bloated from the sodium and carbs. That said, excuses to eat like … [Read more...]
Dude, do you do protein?
Hell yeah, I do protein! I do carbs too.....and fats like a boss. However, I only dabble in vitamins and minerals. Yeah, see protein its a macronutrient and you need it for that thing called life, if your eating a're doing protein I guess. But I get what people mean and yes, I do use a protein supplement and a few other supplements for that matter. Supplements can be of real benefit if and only IF you have your nutrition in check. No supplements in the world, except those of a pharmaceutical nature, will do a whole lot for you if you're living off food that comes from a drive up window or from a microwaveable box. When breakfast consists … [Read more...]