Paula Deen Has Type Two Diabetes- Us Weekly via Yahoo news. I feel bad for her... I mean, that sucks balls and all, she seems like a genuinely nice person and her food looks awesome but seriously, who didn't see this one coming? When Al Roker repeatedly asked Deen if her diagnosis was a direct result of her butter-rich diet, she admitted that it's "part of the puzzle" but not the only factor. A "part of the puzzle"? I guess she didn't specify how big of a "part" so she's right....At least it looks like she's trying to deal with this and not just pull a, "oh well, guess that's how it goes".... But this quote was awesome; "] a few years ago: 'Honey, I'm … [Read more...]
Red Meat will Kill You!….ohhh, no maybe not….
I like to eat meat A lot Red Meat Almost bloody and everybody always tells me some variation of, "you're so health conscious, you're going to kill yourself, clog your arteries and die of heart disease from all that meat you eat" Yeah well, WRONG BITCHES! Mike Roussell just got this study published, Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet study: effects on lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins- The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition I'll skip the sciencey stuff for this gem: heart-healthy dietary patterns that contain lean beef elicit favorable effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD) lipid and lipoprotein risk factors that are comparable to those elicited by a DASH dietary … [Read more...]
I love this business.... Hat Tip Dave Tate @ … [Read more...]
Zombies and Diets: Both eat your Brain
Seriously they do.... Zombies: Zombie Nutritionist Recommends All- Brain Diet "Our research indicates that live human brains are not merely the cornerstone of a healthy diet; they are, in fact, the only food an active adult zombie should consume at all," -Rossum Diets: Why Diets Don't Work: Starved Brain Cells Eat Themselves, Study Finds. "When we don't eat, hunger-inducing neurons in the brain start eating bits of themselves. The act of self-cannibalism turns up a hunger signal to prompt eating. "- Science Daily Empirically proven: Diets are as dangerous as Zombies.....take that Atkins! … [Read more...]
Shelby Starnes is a Pussy…but being jacked is cool.
Yeah, he might be jacked: and yeah, he might have an encyclopedic knowledge of nutrition, be on the Q&A and have a log at EliteFTS.som...and yeah, he might help people get in sick shape super fast: and be really f-ing strong (just read the log).....but he's still a pussy. Here's the proof, (in regards to lat pulldowns), "I always wear straps. If that makes me a pussy, that is fine."- Lean Gain Principles pg. 33 ....proof positive Mr. Starnes you are a total turn in your man-card... Personal note: Shelby, please don't find me and pummel the shit out of me. K? Thanks. Shelby and Steve Colescott teamed up to write the Lean Gain … [Read more...]
“I eat because I’m unhappy…I’m unhappy because I eat.”
Fat Bastard said it and....he was right. The people at Kaiser Permenante in San Diego have been running a weight loss clinic since 1982 which dealt mostly with the obese . After treating 30,000 patients they've made some pretty remarkable findings concerning obesity and published them in a paper titled, Obesity: Problem, Solution or Both. In short they found that obesity, "is not the core problem to be treated, any more than smoke is the core problem to be treated in house fires." Basically obese people are obese because they eat too much, yepper that whole law of thermodynamics is still holding steady..but what drives them to eat to much? NOTE: Yes, I know … [Read more...]
Creatine will make your arms EXPOLDE! (sarcasm, no they will not)
McMinnville High in Oregon became famous last week. 24 McMinnville football players were seen by a doctor last week with 13 being admitted to the hospital for at least one night all with symptoms of compartment syndrome. 21 of the 24 had elevated creatine kinase levels and 3 actually had the condition and needed surgery to alleviate the pressure. Read the whole story here and here. This case is very unusual and has made a lot of headlines last week. Mostly it's been used to demonize creatine supplementation (although none of the boys admitted to supplementing with creatine) and creatine hasn't been linked to an increased chance of developing compartment … [Read more...]
Jennifer’s Body..(get it? it’s a pun…)
5 Yoga Poses to Get Jennifer Aniston's Body .... 5 YOGA poses... FIVE YOGA poses... My response: NEGATIVE , WRONG, NOTHING....YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!! I can say with almost 100% confidence that there are no 5 yoga poses that will give you Jennifer Anistons body. How do I know this? Cause I'm not an idiot. How do they put this crap out there? Here's my honest assessment of this situation. Jennifer Aniston is hot to begin with (let us remember people in Hollywood are, at least in part, PAID to look good. It's part of their job. They usually, more or less, came that way). She probably works out ALOT, in addition to yoga...OMG she does, … [Read more...]