Fitness Plague of the minute: Wii Fit First off: If Wii Fit is your exercise modality of choice, that is and thereby you are, lame. Sorry folks, this, just like every other fitness piece of junk isn't the answer. For the uninitiated: the Wii Fit is a pad you stand on to interact with a video game. Basically you balance, bend and hop on this thing and get in amazing shape, or so they claim. Admittedly, if you are very out of shape or you're in good shape and play for 8 hours straight, yeah, you'll be really sore and think you got a great workout. But did you? Maybe you sweated a little, but seriously, if you're working out for 45 minutes and don't sweat some … [Read more...]
I don’t want to lift weights, I’ll get too BIG!
This is awesome........she's using 100's Holy [email protected]'s not like all HUGE and stuff..and she can lift 100lbs dumbbells. Damn, that's weird cause it was definitely the 20lbs dumbbells you did chest presses with that time and not all the crap you ate for 4 months that made you bigger, cause it's real easy for women to get HUGE and stuff...right? I just looked again, she weighs 115lbs... and can do this: 95% of the guys I know can't come close... Sooooo, I guess the point is WEIGHT TRAINING DOESN'T BULK UP WOMEN!!!! (95% of the time, The other 5%? Their called Outliers, not just a great book … [Read more...]