Core, Core, Core, You need it, preferably LOTS of it. But just having ABZZZ isn't enough. You need a core that actually works. A core that STOPS, instead of creates or allows movement through the lumbar spine. The "core" must create, as Dr. Stu McGill puts it, "Super Stiffness" *this in NOT an ED commercial...But his lab did do this study. So sit-ups, crunches, Russian twists, these things, all out. And "Anti- Core", exercises that "BRACE" the spine against movement is all in.... Ribcage Down, Hips in Neutral: The Cylinder Position Here's the short: Use your "core" to create a stable platform not your lower back. Jamming your L4, L5 and … [Read more...]
Its Working Out, But it Ain’t Doing Sh@t For Your Game.
Training is Exercise With Performance Outcomes in Mind.... Working out is Exercise With Health Outcomes in Mind.... From a distance they look the same, but there is actually a world of difference. Here's the truth: 95% of people WORK OUT. And that's ok, hell, its probably preferable. It's a good thing to be in good health, and "fit" and feel good about yourself, able to walk up stairs without the need for a timeout, straight O2, or a good jolt from an AED. But it's not the end goal of TRAINING. <----hopefully its a nice fringe benefit Training is exercise that is FOR something, an event, sport, activity. Don't be fooled by frequency, volume, … [Read more...]
2018 Coaches Conference Review
CEU's Everyone in the fitness world knows what CEU's are. They're those things that, much like a ninja, creep up on you silently then strike you down. For the uninitiated: CEU's= Continuing Education Units No matter the certification, you'll need em to keep it. CEU's are: Education: so you stay on top of your knowledge and skills and remain active in the community Revenue stream: for the certifying agency The 2015-17 NSCA Recertification Period: AKA My Time of Dying In the pre kid period, CEU's were of no consequence. I always had so many, so early it was just a matter of report them and send the money. Not So Fast My Friend Then kids … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Double Kettlebell Racked Front Squat
Q: Why do Double Kettlebell Racked Front Squats? A: Cause you hate yourself.... Personal Opinion: These are the hardest F-ing Skwaats in the world. And they might be the best. This is paraphrased: These FORCE you to "lock down" the core in a way that no other squat does. And in a world full of duck butt lumbar hyperextension/ overarching and butt wink these are one of the best instant remedies for BOTH of those. Why? Cause to handle the bells well you MUST stay in a perfect NEUTRAL spinal position which means the core is 100% activated and acting as a corset... You know, the way the core is meant to work? Because you're spine and pelvis are … [Read more...]
Yes, I Do Cardio AKA The Heart is a Dumb Muscle
The heart only knows one thing: How much stress the body is under. That's it, nothing more. It's only responding and adapting to the signal(s) its given. So think about it.... Do you really need to do this [insert miserable cardio modality here] ???? The answer is no. The ONLY THING YOU NEED TO DO IS MANIPULATE YOUR HEART RATE TO GET THE DESIRED RESPONSE. The modality you use is of no consequence. What's that got to do with anything? Well, a lot of my peeps ask me, Do You Do Cardio? Yes, I try to get it in 2 times a week. I primarily use "cardio" to improve cardiac output and recovery. I'm not trying to push my max heart rate, or … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Snatch
The Band Snatch Is Super Cool and Neat-O The Band Snatch has two strengths: 1: It's easy on the shoulder joint for almost everyone. 2: It'll fry your shoulders in the process. All three heads, front, medial, rear delts will all get swoled up. Plus, I stole it from Shelby Starnes, and he's super jacked, so it must be good. You should do it. Checklist: Shoulders IN the joint, the whole time: NEVER Over-reach at the top: Once the shoulder joint is fully extended, that's it. Don't reach as far back as you CAN, reach to the end range of motion. Once the scapula are retracted and the upper arm (humerus) is centered, STOP! Just like … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX Row
If I could do only one pulling (rowing) motion what would it be? "100% it would be the TRX row." In my opinion the TRX is the greatest row machine ever built. It's scales easily from beginner to advanced, it's self-limiting, and it's almost foolproof. Plus, and mostly its one of the best tools I've found for training the lost art of scapular retraction. True, you can overdo it. But in my, desk jockey, sitting all day slumped over, world, 9/10 people have a real issue pulling those shoulders down and back, pinching the shoulder blades together in the back. So we NEED to train scap retraction and depression and need to be able to do it with a tool that … [Read more...]