The Psoas is one of those "muscles of the minute". Just like the Glute Medius, Vastus Medialus and Rhomboids before it, right now EVERYTHING is somehow linked to a Psoas dysfunction issue. This isn't true....but it kinda is. In the last 2 years I've had more and more clients than ever with Psoas issues. But what is true is that the Psoas is waaaay more important than we used to think and in a lot of people, especially Desk Jockeys, it's either not doing its job, it's tight as hell or both. Either way it can and probably is contributing to your back pain and/ or anterior hip pain. Especially if you sit all day. What and where the Psoas is: It's a muscle … [Read more...]
You Can Never Have Too Much Ass….
It's a universal truth. The easiest, quickest way for most people to feel and perform better is to get their ass in gear...literally, like, make it do something other than store Krispy Cremes. "for us, for athletes, glutes are everything -- the absolute epicenter and powerhouse of all athletic movement. It's all about the ass."- Mark Verstegen Simply put, the glutes are the most important muscle group in the body. "Maybe normal people don't discuss this all day long, but we sure do," says Titans quarterback Matt Hasselbeck. "Every strength coach I've ever been around, it's glute, glute, glute -- always, always, always. It's a broken record. I can't tell you how … [Read more...]
20 Tweets About Training…..
Twitter kinda sucks.... I mean, think about it: You have a private conversation but in public? But, it's not completely worthless. There are TONS of fitness info tweets and articles that are on there everyday. Which has cut down the time it takes me to go though finding articles so I'm on it a lot. Here's just a random list of some of the best tweets I've come across over the last few … [Read more...]
Sh@t My Trainer Says…..
"Fitness Professionals" usually aren't all that professional... I mean, you can buy a Living Social coupon to save on getting certified... That's certainly not the case all of the time but there are far too many people in this business who really don't know what's going on. But they pretend toooo.... And this time of year LOTS of people are trying to get into shape and have hired trainers or got As Seen on TV products or started going to Bootcamps or whatever. They don't know what the hell is going on, it's not their job, they're paying the fitness Yoda for that. So they only know what the jackass Yoda in front of them says which usually is about as … [Read more...]
10 Best Exercises for Hockey
This list is stupid because there are NO 10 best exercises for any sport... But I put out two of these articles a week, sometimes I run out of ideas. it's not like I'm asking for sharks with laser beams on their freaking heads.... After a long lockout I figured it's OK to be a total tool bag and do one of these stupid lists. #10: Running Sprints Most Hockey players spend too much time in this position... During practice and games it's necessary but what happens is they go to home/ work and... Everything flexed or "closed down"....and they often opt to train on the bike, cause it makes the quads burn, which does more of the same. This doesn't mean the … [Read more...]
The Epic Hip Hinge/ RDL Post
"I don't do those cause they hurt my back..." And because of that I stopped putting the Romanian Deadlifts into most programs because inevitably I got that or, "I don't know how to do that" I know, you're thinking? WTF? You don't know how to bend over? To which I respond: It's NOT about "bending over" and that's the problem. People think it's just bending over.... It's about: "hinging the hips". Bending over happens when the torso (shoulders) is projected forward over the toes with little to no backwards counter-movement of the hips and is usually accompanied by a flexing or "unlocking" … [Read more...]
The Dangers of Blowouts
Blowouts are bad... When they happen to trucks: When it happens to your hair: When you lift (heavy) weights: To quote a fitness professional, "You have good form but you hold your breath. I prefer the BlOWOUT method. Breathe in as you lower the weight and blow it out as you press it. "- Stuck in the 80's gym guy in track suit. And for LOTS of people that is the conventional wisdom..... The only problem is, You (probably) increase your chance of getting injured. Yes, the common gym broscience of "breathing the weight up" is, in the vast majority of cases.... Incredibly Stupid. However there are caveats: Are … [Read more...]