Paula Deen Has Type Two Diabetes- Us Weekly via Yahoo news. I feel bad for her... I mean, that sucks balls and all, she seems like a genuinely nice person and her food looks awesome but seriously, who didn't see this one coming? When Al Roker repeatedly asked Deen if her diagnosis was a direct result of her butter-rich diet, she admitted that it's "part of the puzzle" but not the only factor. A "part of the puzzle"? I guess she didn't specify how big of a "part" so she's right....At least it looks like she's trying to deal with this and not just pull a, "oh well, guess that's how it goes".... But this quote was awesome; "] a few years ago: 'Honey, I'm … [Read more...]
Great video about Stress and Training hat tip … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: Plyometrics
Earlier this week I had a discussion with one of the better, for sake of a better word let use, "athletes" at work.... He's early to mid 30's in really good shape and ran track in college, now he's part of a special campus security team. He asked me about "plyometric" workouts..... I knew it was going to be bad.... It was he had gotten a workout off of the interwebzzz that called for 3 sets of 3 exercises for sets of 10-12 each..... plyo's are NOT body building...nor should we use the DeLorme method. It just ain't right....plyometrics are about speed and power. So this is the basics of what I told him: First off 99% of what people call plyometric is … [Read more...]
Wired or Tired, why your nervous system is screwing you up……
Stress...everybody has it. Doesn't matter who you are and what you do, you have stress in your life. What is important is to manage stress as best as possible. The catch 22 is that ALL things are they cause a response through the nervous system. All inputs cause a reaction in the Central Nervous System or CNS. The nervous system is the main controlling and communicating system of the body. Every thing we do, feel and think consciously or unconsciously is directed by the nervous system. The communication between the nervous system and the body is through electrical and chemical signals that move rapidly and to specific areas allowing for … [Read more...]
Running…….It still sucks, but not as much I guess
Before I pontificate.. BIG hat tip to Women's Health Magazine (the .com version)....for the most part they post really good info on this site... Today on my internet perusal of information, yeah, you have to do that whole "learn EVERYDAY thing" to stay relevant in this business, I came across this article.. Out Run Your Genes participants who pounded more pavement than their siblings were more likely to have a lower BMI, having dropped by 58.8% for women and 29.6% for men.- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Looks like running, at least on some level, can help fight that whole, "it's my fat genes".... It's pretty brilliant actually. [Tweet "You … [Read more...]
Achievement, 10,000 hours, Grit and why you’re not a pro athlete…..
First things first: the best predictor of lifetime sporting achievement is your parents. Genetics matter, a lot. the talent pool at the truly world-class level is deep and wide. Those without the basic prerequisites, height, size, strength, speed etc. will not make the cut. [Tweet "Just trying hard doesn't get you a $120 million dollar contract."] That said, practice can go a long way to getting the most out of the abilities you do have. the old Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. has a lot of truth to it...but lets face it there are not too many 5'6 point guards in the NBA or 5.5 second 40yrd dash guys playing cornerback in the … [Read more...]
Heart beats like a rabbit? Yeah, that’s BAD
That super fast resting heart rate that you think is, "normal" or "genetic" or "the way it's always been"... yea, that sh@t's killing you..... No, could be Increased heart rate may signal higher death risk- Serena Gordon, USA Today Compared to people whose heart rate was consistent at less than 70 beats per minute at both readings, those whose rates increased from less than 70 beats per minute to more than 85 beats per minute had a 90 percent higher risk of death from heart disease. In those whose heart rates started at between 70 and 85 beats per minute, an increase to more than 85 beats per minute at the follow-up reading signaled an 80 percent … [Read more...]
“The Legs Feed the Wolf”- Herbie
Herb Brooks is a modern messiah of sorts to anyone who plays hockey. For those not in the know, Herbie was the coach of the 1980 Olympic Hockey team: Yeah, that team..... Herb was the mastermind... Well, Herb was known to be a little eccentric. one of the things he is most remembered for was his sayings, known to his players as "Brooksisms". Players kept a notebook of "Brooksisms," sayings the coach used for motivation, such as: "You're playing worse and worse every day and right now you're playing like it's next month."- AP One of the most memorable "Brooksisms": "Red line, back. Blue line, back. Far blue line, back. Far … [Read more...]