I saw Dr. McGill speak at the NSCA conference back in July. Essentially he is a B-52 of spine knowledge dropping Nuclear knowledge BOMBS all over the place. Here is a very good video (which I stole, cause I'm a thief, from Mike Robertson's most awesome newsletter). http://youtu.be/033ogPH6NNE Damn, maybe that ABZZZZ class was a bad idea after all... … [Read more...]
Geezers are (strong) people too…..
As a population we're getting older , "Population aging is progressing rapidly in many industrialized countries, but those developing countries whose fertility declines began relatively early also are experiencing rapid increases in their proportion of elderly people. This pattern is expected to continue over the next few decades, eventually affecting the entire world."- Gavrilvov But have faith, getting old(er) doesn't mean becoming a decrepit waste of a carcass. In fact you can be pretty darn spry: Cheating Father Time: 50-Year-Old Can Be Every Bit as Fit as Someone 30 Years Younger, but Exercise is Key. Activity is far more important than age in determining … [Read more...]
Genetics Didn’t Make you Fat, Just Lazy
New at Science Daily, Couch Potatoes Explained? Missing Key Genes may be Cause for Lack of Resolve to Exercise Researchers Find Researchers breed some mice who lacked 2 genes. These genes controlled the release of AMPK (activated protein kinase). It gets released when you exercise and leads to the production of more mitochondria in the cell. Bio 101: mitochondria the "power house" of the cell. Mitochondria metabolize glucose and produce energy. It looks like the "lazy" mice couldn't produce the energy needed: "While the normal mice could run for miles, those without the genes in their muscle could only run the same distance as down the hall and … [Read more...]
Sometimes things in life are obvious.... See, you didn't need me to tell you, you already knew. Sometimes a little reinforcement helps: Don't slow Down to Save Your Back, Exercise Instead- Alexander P. Hughes M.D. Take Home: "increased activity is a key protector of your spine, and by far the best prescription for back health is maintaining an active lifestyle." and more: Bed rest for acute low-back pain and Sciatica- Hagen, KB "advice to rest in bed is less effective than advice to stay active." Let's face it, you knew that lying around, doing nothing wasn't good for you. Seriously, let's have all the structures, muscles, … [Read more...]
Celebrities use Steroids…OMG!
Did you know it's really hard to gain 20lbs of pure muscle in a year without pharmaceutical help? Let alone in a few months but Hollywood types do it all the time..... "Over a few months in 2010, Momoa, a 6-foot-4-inch Hawaiian actor and model, added about 30 pounds of muscle to his 205-pound frame"- Rebecca Keegan, Muscle Summer- the men of 'Captain America', 'Thor' and 'Conan' clean as a whistle.... or so we thought, or actually, YOU thought, cause they said crap like, "I workout 5-6 hrs a day and eat 8-10 meals a day and use copious amounts of anabolics" and you believe whatever you're told because they would obviously openly incriminate not only … [Read more...]
Holy Sh*t…Sport Science article on…Yahoo?
No really it's true... I thought is was BS at first but it's not. Yahoo sports ran a Grrrrrrrrrrrreat article about Usain Bolt and more so sprinting and running speed. Usain Bolt: A Case Study in Science of Sprinting- Jay Hart Hint: He's not fast because of "advanced training techniques" taught at the local "speed camp". Nor is it Under Armour 360 Combine training, HIT training, Crossfit or even 5/3/1.... Nope, not because of cones or parachutes, kettlebells, Bosu balls, bands or even chains......not even chains? Nope. It has more to do with Sir Issac Newton. Sprinting Speed= How much force exerted against ground and how long that … [Read more...]
“I eat because I’m unhappy…I’m unhappy because I eat.”
Fat Bastard said it and....he was right. The people at Kaiser Permenante in San Diego have been running a weight loss clinic since 1982 which dealt mostly with the obese . After treating 30,000 patients they've made some pretty remarkable findings concerning obesity and published them in a paper titled, Obesity: Problem, Solution or Both. In short they found that obesity, "is not the core problem to be treated, any more than smoke is the core problem to be treated in house fires." Basically obese people are obese because they eat too much, yepper that whole law of thermodynamics is still holding steady..but what drives them to eat to much? NOTE: Yes, I know … [Read more...]