The #1, post Beginner phase, Mistake Lifters (still) Make? Rushing The Rep They don't set up with intention, unrack the weight "tight", allow the weight to settle, compress the joints and "feel" the weight before performing the movement. Weights get a little heavy, the set gets a little hard and we start to think, "If I go fast, i'll get in and out, and don't have to hold the weight any longer than is absolutely necessary" This probably happens for a few reasons: Figured out the Stretch Reflex. Sooner or later you've discovered the "bounce" or "rebound" you can get out the the bottom of a squat or bench. Not in a, crash the bar into your chest and … [Read more...]
NSCA National Conference 2019 Review
NSCA National Conference 2019 Review After 13 years, back in the nations capital. That means no TSA cattle calls and pat downs for this gut! Fun story: The very 1st NSCA event I ever went to was the 2006 National Conference in Washington DC. I wasn't even certified, had just started working (ie I was super poor) and went for a single day (they used to have single day ticket). Highlight was Dr. Pearson handing out string before his presentation as a prop to demonstrate why hypertrophy is important. The string represents the muscle tissue. As you fold the string over onto itself that's the same as thickening of the muscle muscle cell … [Read more...]
Lats are Core: Engage the Lats to Create TRUNK Superstiffness.
"You've Got a 400lbs Squat cause You've Got 600lbs Legs. But 400lbs Abs" - Louie Simmons, Via Dave Tate See, the key to lifting big weights, athletic performance and staying injury free is, in part, moving the correct thing, at the correct time. The forgotten (or more often ignored) part of that statement is... NOT MOVING WHAT SHOULDNT MOVE. or more accurately Not ALLOWING What Shouldn't Move To Move. This part of the equation is EQUALLY and maybe MORE important. If stuff starts moving, under heavy loads, at high velocities or positions of great instability/ challenge. YOU'R DONE And in my opinion probably exponentially exposed to tissue … [Read more...]
UMBC Sports Performance Seminar: A Review
Most "fitness" seminars and continuing ed events are thinly veiled revenue streams junk. But the one day "Sports Performance Seminars" that colligate strength coaches put on are almost universally always good. WHY? Because the speakers at these events actually DO what they're talking about. Unlike "fitness" events, the strength coaches product is PERFORMANCE. Not a certification or gadget. Strength coaches, sports scientists and physical therapists are on the floor or in the clinic or in the lab, with athletes under the bar or on the table, 9-12 hours a day most days of the week. You're learning from people who have REAL WORLD … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Banded Hand Walks
"I Think it's my Rotator Cuff" But it's usually not. It's usually the delt, maybe the biceps tendon, occasionally the lat, often the pec minor See there's a LOT of shit going on around the shoulder. That shoulder pain you're having, it's usually NOT the rotator cuff.... But sometimes it is and hearing the words, "Its your rotator cuff" Scares everyone. But a LOT of people actually have FULL THICKNESS rotator cuff tears, and they're fine. An astonishingly high rate of rotator cuff tears in patients with asymptomatic shoulders was thus demonstrated with increasing patient age. - Age-related prevalence of rotator cuff tears in asymptomatic … [Read more...]
HIIT Pt 2: The Good, Bad and Ugly
So we're going to assume you're a masochist and you actually perform your HIIT intervals at 80%+ of your max. HIIT can be a really time efficient to achieve fairly substantial health and fitness gains. Or it can kill the gains you've made and make you weaker and smaller. It just depends. HIIT: The Good When compared to MOD (moderate intensity continuous exercise) High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) appears to be the bees knees. It's been shown time and again to Time Commitment? You can get a lot of fitness done in not a lot of time, "As little as 3 HIIT sessions per week, involving≤10 min of intense exercise within a time commitment of ≤30 min per … [Read more...]
Is HIIT Really King? PT 1: Are Your Intervals Actually High Intensity?
Welp, They Did it Again. The talking heads spoke and now we've "discovered" that HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training is better than moderate intensity steady state training for fat loss. Interval Training More Effective than Jogging and Cycling For Weight Loss Study Finds - the Independent Short Bursts of Intense Exercise Better for Weight Loss- BBC But, What is HIIT Anyway? What Most People Think it is: "High intensity interval training (HIIT) is when you alternate between high and low intensity exercise(s) or between high intensity exercise and a short period of rest." - Precision Nutrition and it is, but for it really to be HIIT we need to … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Marching Suitcase Carries
Truth is, I Only Know 6 Exercises. If you think about it all exercises come back to: From John Rusins instagram Every exercise falls into one or more of those categories. With loaded carries maybe being the most "functional" of all of those categories. Carries train: Grip Shoulder Stability Core Hips Legs Too often clients with poor core or hip strength or adequate strength but a lack of motor control will compensate by overarching the low back, leaning the trunk to one side or shifting the hips. How do we fix/ counteract these compensations? Marching What are the components of marching? Neutral Pelvis Knee at or … [Read more...]