What's the Most Functional Exercise You Can Do? Probably picking sh@t up and carrying it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzu5JraS9kM really great tutorial and variations, def worth the watch We just went over this a few weeks ago...You Should Do This: Chaos Carries But, I've kinda, sorta noticed that not only have Farmers Carries become more popular but they're often absolutely brutalized. Most People do Farmers Carry's Like a Wet Noodle. I don't know how this became a thing but more and more the bells or worse the PERSON is waving in the wind while "performing" the exercise. Maybe it comes from seeing things like the Worlds Strongest Man on TV. Or … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Plate Raise
"Tight is Right, Right is Tight" - I say that Often. What does it mean? Get tight, create tension, don't allow the body to rock, move, lean, bend etc with each rep. Motion should only occur at the joints where we INTEND for motion to take place. The Cylinder Position The "cylinder" position and neutral spine are one and the same. The Ribs and Hips should be in a neutral, stacked, position. This creates a "cylinder", stacking the spine in proper alignment and helping the core to activate properly and lock not only the spine but with correct foot pressure, the whole body. The cylinder position allows the: Core to activate and stiffen … [Read more...]
Wanting to Eat a Second Cupcake isn’t a Sugar Addiction..
Are We Addicted to Sugar? Unless you've been living under a rock or blissfully never listening to the fear box TV, you've probably heard that sugar is as, or more, addicting than "hard" drugs like cocaine and heroin. Study: Sugar Hidden in junk food eight times more addictive than cocaine "A junk food addiction is a lot more like a drug addiction than researchers previously thought. They now claim sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine." - ABC13 Houston Sugar = Heroin, How to Cut Your Addiction - Big Think Believe me, I have. In fact, it gets repeated to me on an almost daily basis. Usually in the form of, "I can't lose weight, I'm … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Miniband Rowing External Rotation
One of my favorite movies ever is The Original Kings of Comedy. Just so we're all on the same page, this is in no way conceivable, safe for work. There's bad words, it's not P.C., its sexist, racist, misogynist and every other "ist". But funny as all hell. So put some headphones on..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC9dwR_islU One the best bits is DL Hugley talking about his kids. Basically the bit talks about having a "shitty day". Kids REALLY have shitty days, cause, well, they shit their pants.... Kid: Daddy, my butt's itchy Dad: Sure is son, cause its chock full of Sh@t... That's kinda how I feel when I hear, Client: Roy, my … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Quadruped Thoracic Rotations
How's Your Posture? Well, you're reading this, so I'm guessing it's not too hot. Actually, it probably sucks. Flexion Much? Just so we're on the same page, this, while common, is shitty posture. Got it from pexels Of course you do. Almost all of us do.. It's almost inevitable due to the way society is structured today. Sit to eat breakfast Sit in your car to drive to work Sit at work all day Sit in your car on the way home Sit to eat dinner Sit in front of the TV *there's a theme here.... I Pity Your Thoracic Spine Wikimedia commons Sitting, after only a few minutes tends to result in flexed forward posture. Sitting tall with … [Read more...]
“I Have TIght Hamstrings” Part 2: Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Last time we dealt with the dreaded No Ass Syndrome and how that can give you some tight hamstrings. This week we'll take on the most common culprit. No Core.... And the overactive, super tight quads that follow. I affectionally call this the Duck Butt, but the technical term is Anterior Pelvic Tilt from Cathedral Chiropractic Basically, the pelvis, the bowl of water is tipped forward. Before we get any farther, some degree of Anterior Pelvic Tilt is pretty common and can be considered "normal" posture. In fact anterior pelvic tilt is the most common postural adaptation in athletes: "The most commonly reported sport-specific postural adaptations of the … [Read more...]
“I Have Tight Hamstrings”, Part 1: No Ass Syndrome
"My Hamstrings Are Tight" Truth is, this is rarely the case. At least not in the way you think. *Quick Note: Some people DO have tight hamstrings. This has to do with the tendon length, muscle belly, past injury, origin and insertion points. Sometimes, when you put all these things together in the right combo, you DO, in fact have structurally"tight hamstrings". Most don't. What the Hell Do I Mean by Tight Hamstrings? Ummm they feel tight...right? But for real, TENSION. Lots of tension in the muscle, in the hamstring. That's usually what people mean when they use the term "tight". But the real question is, Tension When? I … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Chaos Carries
As if PROPERLY performed loaded carries aren't bad enough. Using a band as a handle takes them to a whole new level.... But Why Do Loaded Carries In the First Place? Loaded Carries might be the most "functional" exercise there is. I mean, ya pretty much gotta pick up and carry stuff all the time. *Or at least decently strong people have to pick up and carry things all the time. There are lots of people who don't pick up and carry things, you don't want to be those people, Those People DIE. "Perceived work ability in midlife was associated with mortality and disability in old age among blue-collar and white-collar employees. It is plausible … [Read more...]