Really good athletes generally have some things in common. Excellent Power Output: They generate high force quickly. "the ability to produce high amounts of power output is what separates truly elite athletes from merely good ones. This has been evidenced in explosive activities, such as sprint running, cycling, and combat sports." - Optimal Balance Between Force and Velocity Differs Among World-Class Athletes Excellent Force Absorption: They tend to have high levels of eccentric strength and "stiffness" at high speed or loads. "During CoD (change of direction) tasks, two distinct forms of muscle actions are required to … [Read more...]
Maybe You Shouldn’t Do Yoga?
What Do You Think About Yoga? I think my back hurts... At First My Mind is All Like: "It's a really good thing that teaches calmness, focus, controlled breathing and body awareness." But My Mouth Goes (after I give it some thought): "You probably shouldn't do it." Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Why I don't recommend Yoga to most people. From my experience, Americanized yoga, what you'd probably be doing, is usually a real Sh@t fest. Full disclosure: I've NEVER taken a Yoga Class. For realzzzz I know you're mad right now. You're all like, "You're such a hypocrite, I like yoga. It's so kool. I've taught it for sooo long and it's awesome and I'm awesome and you … [Read more...]
Bent Wrists, Loose Grips= Fire Elbow and It Sucks
Most of you are probably like, "WTF is Fire Elbow, is this even a real thing?" Those of you that have it are like, "F-ing, shite, yeah, that sucks" Fire Elbow, known to the medical community as Medial Epicondylitis or golfers elbow, is the scourge of nations.... Not really But it really f-ing sucks and is difficult as all hell to treat and usually lasts for months. If you get it or have it you should buy one of these and do what the directions say. It's like a freaking miracle cure. How you get it: The Mechanism of Action From WebMD: "Golfer's elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: The Kipping Pullup
Would you go to the gym with the express intent of injuring yourself? Probably not. However, if you're doing kipping pullups that's exactly what you may be doing. I can't tell you when you'll get hurt but I can tell you, if you do kipping pullups long enough you WILL get injured. First Things First: Stop Doing this Incredibly Stupid Movement Second Things Second: The kip is NOT MEANT to be an exercise. It's meant to be a SKILL used in the COMPETITIVE SPORT of gymnastics. The Kip <---- overly simplistic explanation of how/ why it works and is viable for competitive gymnasts -----> is a way to use the entire body to generate momentum horizontally which … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: 5 Worst Machines!
Free Motion Squat Machine: Want to learn how NOT to squat correctly?......Do this. Why it's jacked-up: You're feet are out in front of you and your hips and back are locked into the pad. It teaches you to hinge from the knees and NOT the hips. Hell you physically CAN NOT hinge the hips. This means ALL QUADS, very little glute (only if you get low enough), and NO hamstrings. Ask someone to squat and 99 out of 100 times they break at the knees and move forward. In a good squat you should break from the HIPS and sit BACK into the motion. Think about it this way: If you had to take a crap in the woods you wouldn't sh@t on … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: Exercises that are Hurting You Edition
"There are no dangerous exercises, just dangerous coaches" For the most part I completely agree with that statement. When people talk about how squats wrecked their knees, deadlifts destroyed their backs and bench presses jacked-up their shoulders they have it all wrong. Fact is: "Squats didn't hurt your knees. The way YOU squat hurt your knees"- Dan John Obviously, there are people who for whatever reason, usually mobility/ stability or anthropometric related limitations, should not do certain exercises. But for the most part it's not the exercise its you.... There are however a few exercises which are inherently stupid. Granted, you may be lucky … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: Random Thoughts Edition
These are just some random musings about gym stuff that goes on, things people say and do but really shouldn't. 1. Telling People That You are in, Entering or Going "Beast Mode".... When you do this every one immediately knows you're an asshat, so that's a good thing. We don't have to guess ow wait to find out. Think about it for a second. If you're just now entering "Beast Mode" what the hell were you doing in here before? Wuss Mode? 2. Curls in the Squat Rack. Besides the fact that it's sacrilegious, being as the squat rack IS the temple of the's just lazy and it makes you an inconsiderate jerk. If some dude want's to squat 300lbs and … [Read more...]