But, Does it Really Fit Your Macros?

I really like the concept of IIFYM "If It Fits Your Macros" This is kinda/ sorta a new approach to eating....but not really. What IIFYM is. At the base level it's: Your daily caloric intake is "restricted" to your current goals. <---so you have a number All your food for the day must combine to meet certain levels of Macronutrients: Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Any foods are allowed as long as all Macronurtient levels FOR THE DAY are met. And that is what makes IIFYM so popular. You can eat cake. If, it fits your macros. This is pretty much the style of eating I've employed for ohh, about 15 years now. Here's why. I … [Read more...]

Put Your Barbell, Not Baby, in the Corner…

Cause Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner... Except Swayze....he can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypKSbnYOrwE But you can and should put your barbell in a corner. I do Often. Angled Barbell training (sometimes they call it the Landmine training, but that's all not cool anymore even though it was fine for a long time) THANKS PC POLICE! Any who, angled barbell training is one of those things that looks super douche(y) but it's actually kinda cool. Why I likes it a lot: It gives common exercises a slightly different feel It's easy to switch exercises It's easy to change weights How to do It: <----pay attention. Getting the setup correct is … [Read more...]

Broscience, Labcoats and Calluses

I'm a BIG Fan of Science and Evidence Based Practices. I tend not to hold much broscience in very high regard... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXO2azb3_PE Check out Broscience Life on The YouTube, it's amazing That is, unless that broscience is time-honored, tested and approved. By Bros' people who have gotten really good results from it, consistently. BroScience: Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.- urban dictionary Here's the thing: A lot of what science says today will be different in 20 years. And that's a good … [Read more...]

Bane Looks Cool, You Look Like a Jackass

The "Bane Mask" Training Mask 2.o The makers of the mask claim training with it simulates training at a high altitude environment.. This is why dumbing things down is usually a bad idea: "Train at altitude because there is less oxygen, you'll get used to that and when you come back to sea level you'll perform better" Except that statement is false. Truth: you may...maaaay Perform better at sea level after training at altitude, but then again, maybe not. In fact, most sports scientists believe the "Train lo- live high" approach to be best. performance at altitude, acclimatization and/or hypoxic exercise is preferable; for performance at sea level, living at … [Read more...]

Enough is Enough, Too Much is Too Much: SMR Edition

I Love this Book..... http://instagram.com/p/fYBoEyvFSD/ You can get a copy here Buy Supple Leopard, it's highly recommended. But I think it's started a nasty trend. I agree with about 99% of what Kelly Starrett has to say. I think the guy is turbo smart. Where I disagree is more or less the minutiae and semantics. <-----I'm really not ok with kipping though.... Case in point: Knees out: Place of total agreement: The knees should be pushed out from the hip to activate the glutes, and never in a valgus position. This is a valgus position and when you do it puppies die<------I made that up, the puppies are fine. It's just not good. Place of … [Read more...]

Make the Lat Pulldown Machine Useful

For the most part I'm not a big fan of weight machines, but lat pulldowns are pretty good. Especially with the neutral grip bar.... http://youtu.be/JzSzsCGGGeI Thats my online client Nate Dog...doing lat pulldown, nothing special here, just needed a good video and he does a good job. [Tweet "Usually weight machines are nothing but $3-7 thousand dollar coat hangers"]. Fun Fact: Almost every weight machine was produced to replicate a barbell movement. Yeah, I know body builders like them. Yeah, I know that sometimes they do give you a different "feel" and hit the muscle better than a/ the barbell equivalent. <------ Pec Deck: the arms straight kind … [Read more...]

Rogue Power Bar Vs.Texas Power Bar

If you're gonna try and get and or be strong in a garage gym.... You're Gonna Need a Good Bar.... Bells and whistles are nice, but a rack, bench, weights and a good bar are the most essential pieces of equipment. All you need is a rack, barbell, platform and some weight.- Jim Wendler If you have those you can kick more ass than all of the Planet Fitness's combined.. From Dustin Thomas's Super Awesome Blog For Cool People I know, that's a VERY low hurdle to jump over.... So when I recently moved and had the opportunity to build a garage gym of my own I needed a bar but I wasn't sure which one to get. Things you I look for in a bar: I wanted a powerbar, I … [Read more...]

Training The Overweight/ Obese Client

"I Thought You Only Trained Athletes?" I wish....but not really Athletes can do ANYTHING and they're fun to train because of that. You show them once and they have it down, better than me, stronger than me.. But here's the fact: "Until you're at the top, you better train all types of people, not just the fun ones"- Mike Boyle If I only trained athletes, I'd be eating Ramen noodles in a cardboard box every night. The vast majority of my clients are regular people who want to be more awesome. Eventually, they become super awesome, but at first they're usually pretty terrible below average physically and this usually includes being somewhat to very … [Read more...]