Awesome video I got from the equally awesome Strength Performance Network. That's sooooooo weird no Bosu balls, Bender balls, agility ladders or other bullshit sales pitch piece of crap, not even ZUMBA. Just REALLY strong dudes who, by the way, had excellent flexibility (without Yoga) getting strong by........... ........... lifting weights............ heavy ones............ on a barbell............ That's weird cause I thought you had to have at least 3 swiss balls for every barbell in your gym...and barbells are all old fashioned and non-functional... "But wait!"... Proclaims "Functional Training Guy"- THANK GOD, It's the … [Read more...]
Blog Neglect and bad ass Girl Squats.
Thats what I've practiced for 2 months now... Every time I get going again I get really busy and Mr. Mc Blog goes to the back burner. So to stave that off I'll go with some "quick hitters" in between my always thoughtful, insightlful and all around awesome blog genius. Best blog post I've read in awhile- "Trainers Wanted" from Sean Hyson. This is epic, finally someone from the "inside" tells the truth about the main stream media and fitness training. i.e. It's a giant joke/ lie and the joke is on YOU! It's worth your 2 minutes, whether you work in the field or not....probably more so if not.. Best line: "Most of these “trainers to the stars” and other TV … [Read more...]
Yoga, Jacks up knees…but it can cure cancer?? WTF!
Headline: Yoga bad for your knees, Indian doctor warns. -Dean Nelson. Guess what? Yoga can jack up people knees... "Dr Ashok Rajgopal says he has performed knee replacement surgery on a number of leading yoga gurus." Guess what? Over stretching a joint isn't a good thing and leads to orthopedic problems, "according to Dr Rajgopal, the extreme stretching exercises at the heart of the discipline cause severe stress on joints, leading to arthritis." Guess what? Yoga can cure HIV aids and cancer.. "Some of its most charismatic teachers, like India's Baba Ramdev, who has built a worldwide empire through television appearances, believe its breathing … [Read more...]
Not So Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Albert and the Stupid Football Test
Once again, for the sixth time, Albert Haynesworth has either failed to complete or opted not to take the Washington Redskins fitness test. The test is simple...... it's 6 back and forth 50 yard sprints (for a total of 300 yards) completed in 70 seconds followed by a three and a half-minute rest and then another set of six 50 yard sprints completed in 73 seconds. Apparently this test, must be completed before a player can practice at training camp although it was administered to no NO OTHER PLAYERS (that should be a big red flag that it might not have anything to do with being physically ready to play football). "Haynesworth is the only player required … [Read more...]
Jennifer’s Body..(get it? it’s a pun…)
5 Yoga Poses to Get Jennifer Aniston's Body .... 5 YOGA poses... FIVE YOGA poses... My response: NEGATIVE , WRONG, NOTHING....YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!! I can say with almost 100% confidence that there are no 5 yoga poses that will give you Jennifer Anistons body. How do I know this? Cause I'm not an idiot. How do they put this crap out there? Here's my honest assessment of this situation. Jennifer Aniston is hot to begin with (let us remember people in Hollywood are, at least in part, PAID to look good. It's part of their job. They usually, more or less, came that way). She probably works out ALOT, in addition to yoga...OMG she does, … [Read more...]
The World Cup…or… Why we suck at Soccer
World Cup: I never thought I would say this; has been worth watching. (No I'm not some type of soccer whore suddenly and yes I only watch when the U.S. plays). All I'm saying is that last second Landon Donovan stuff was pretty boss, it doesn't matter if you enjoy soccer or not. Pic from It was just like a story book. Landon scored then blew a kiss to his wife/ ex-wife/ facebook status: "It's complicated" gal pal Bianca Kajlich, how cute is that... Just so you know........ Any way it's been interesting to say the least. What's really awesome is, with a population of 300+ million, and being the richest country on the face of the … [Read more...]
Overhead pressing vs. the bench
Something is going around the interwebs lately that I'm kind of confused with. I keep hearing that the bench press is, wait for it...wait for it....wait for it..."not functional"!!!! ......and dangerous.. Which, in many aspects, may be true...and reasonable. But somehow, some way, overhead pressing is both....."Functional" (which I can see but don't totally agree with) but also SAFER! Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot..... Get it? Whiskey, tango, Foxtrot???? get it? ('s very subversive) How? How is pressing a weight overhead safer than a bench press? Anatomically this makes no sense....Take a skeleton raise the arm overhead, as would happen in an overhead … [Read more...]
Wii Fit to Fight the Bloat..
Fitness Plague of the minute: Wii Fit First off: If Wii Fit is your exercise modality of choice, that is and thereby you are, lame. Sorry folks, this, just like every other fitness piece of junk isn't the answer. For the uninitiated: the Wii Fit is a pad you stand on to interact with a video game. Basically you balance, bend and hop on this thing and get in amazing shape, or so they claim. Admittedly, if you are very out of shape or you're in good shape and play for 8 hours straight, yeah, you'll be really sore and think you got a great workout. But did you? Maybe you sweated a little, but seriously, if you're working out for 45 minutes and don't sweat some … [Read more...]