Want to hear some Bro Blasphemy? For most people, The Pushup Should be The FOUNDATION of Most Upper Body Pressing. Yes, the bench press can probably be loaded to a greater degree. Yes, the overhead press requires more "total body stability" But, from my perspective, the pushup is the foundational upper body pressing movement. Virtues of the Pushup: Trains the whole body. A well done pushup is just a "moving plank". Trains the rotator cuff: Rotator cuffs respond to compression and distraction. Pushups are compression. Closed Chain (unless they're suspended) so probably a bit safer/ easier on the shoulder. Pushups allow the scapula to move "freely" … [Read more...]
“Hold HoLD, HOLD,” or Quit Rushing The Rep or Settle Down
The #1, post Beginner phase, Mistake Lifters (still) Make? Rushing The Rep They don't set up with intention, unrack the weight "tight", allow the weight to settle, compress the joints and "feel" the weight before performing the movement. Weights get a little heavy, the set gets a little hard and we start to think, "If I go fast, i'll get in and out, and don't have to hold the weight any longer than is absolutely necessary" This probably happens for a few reasons: Figured out the Stretch Reflex. Sooner or later you've discovered the "bounce" or "rebound" you can get out the the bottom of a squat or bench. Not in a, crash the bar into your chest and … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX High Row
"Pack Yo Scaps!" We know the back is important. Lats are super important. But what about the upper back? That area over/ around and in between the scapula? "If You Want Healthy Shoulders You Need a Strong Upper Back" - Matt Wenning What's my most prescribed exercise? Band Pull-Aparts An upper back exercise. Literally EVERY client I train is performing some form of the band pull-apart in every workout. Why? Well, we ALL need more upper back. Desk Jockey Syndrome Living in a hunched over/ flexed forward anterior based world has left us, as a population, devoid of rear delts, mid traps, rhomboids and scapula control. Why's The … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: X- Band Walks
Gym Class Warm Up, Circa 1995: "Ok Guys, we're gonna warm up with some of these, some of those, a couple stretches and get the balls out and shoot some hoops" That's right a "warm up" used to be run a couple laps, then stretch and you were not impervious to injury. I'm gonna lay some real sciency shit on you, That's Not Really How "Injury Prevention" Works. In fact, that approach might actually be WORSE, than doing nothing. But, as far as warmups go, the "sum a deese, sum a dats" approach is probably neutral at best. Dynamic Warmups By about 2002-03(ish) it pretty much industry standard that a "dynamic warmup", one where you were do "dynamic"/ … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Snatch Grip RDL
Deadlifts are Cool Again. Wasn't too long ago they weren't. But they are now, and in 3-5 years, they wont be again. How Do I Know This? I watch people do them on the reg and just because you picked it up off the ground, doesn't make it a good deadlift. "It's Not a Deadlift That Hurt Your Back. It's What YOU Did, and Called a Deadlift, That Hurt Your Back" Here's the common deadlift issues I see. <----yes, they usually all go together. Arches collapsed Knees Collapsed Hips posteriorly tilted Low back rounded Thoracic spine rounded Shoulders out of the joint Reaching for the weight Knees driving forward (and in) Why Do … [Read more...]
Lats are Core: Engage the Lats to Create TRUNK Superstiffness.
"You've Got a 400lbs Squat cause You've Got 600lbs Legs. But 400lbs Abs" - Louie Simmons, Via Dave Tate See, the key to lifting big weights, athletic performance and staying injury free is, in part, moving the correct thing, at the correct time. The forgotten (or more often ignored) part of that statement is... NOT MOVING WHAT SHOULDNT MOVE. or more accurately Not ALLOWING What Shouldn't Move To Move. This part of the equation is EQUALLY and maybe MORE important. If stuff starts moving, under heavy loads, at high velocities or positions of great instability/ challenge. YOU'R DONE And in my opinion probably exponentially exposed to tissue … [Read more...]
B Stance isn’t B.S..
A few years ago I saw The Glute Guy, Bret Contreras, using the B-Stance with some lower body lifts like RDL's, Squats and Deadlifts. Truth be told, I thought it was dumb as all hell. It literally made NO SENSE to me. But, half a decade later, I was stuck in a hotel gym and needed to do a hip hinge hamstring movement. I was armed to the teeth with a pair of 50lbs dumbbells. So I committed blasphemy and tried B-Stance RDL's And they didn't suck. In fact, I really liked them. I was able to handle less weight and still get a good training effect on the hamstrings. Why I Thought the B-Stance was Bullshit My number one reason was, Why not just do … [Read more...]