"Ribs Down" I say that a LOT. Like all day. See I also say, "Chest Up" A Lot. And most folks think chin up is chest up <---if this is you, you're thoracic spine needs some love. And by "love" I mean, EXTENSION. But these are different things. And too much "chest up" usually leads to compensation and the dreaded Lumbar Hyperextension... The Duck Butt An aggressive over-arching of the lower back. Which is another compensation pattern that's associated with a tight thoracic spine.. Wait But Why? How can excessive cervical AND lumbar motion be the result of a stiff thoracic spine? Easy, if the segments in the middle of the spine don't move (do … [Read more...]
“I Overpronate”: No, You COLLAPSE
Some people hate feet. Some people like feet. Some people REALLY love feet. And (for the most part) we all have feet. That's really cool, cause they're REALLY important. Whats So Great About Feet? In the way-way back time, before shoes, feet are how we interacted with the world around us. Feet were the INSTANT feedback mechanism. Changes in terrain, slope, pitch, textures etc. ALL that information was taken in via the feet. But alas, we f-cked up. As we became desk bound and lazy we looked for comfort over function and stuck these pillows on our feet and subsequently F-ed one of our PRIMARY sensory input mechanisms. Thanks Nike Athletic … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Double Kettlebell Racked Front Squat
Q: Why do Double Kettlebell Racked Front Squats? A: Cause you hate yourself.... Personal Opinion: These are the hardest F-ing Skwaats in the world. And they might be the best. This is paraphrased: These FORCE you to "lock down" the core in a way that no other squat does. And in a world full of duck butt lumbar hyperextension/ overarching and butt wink these are one of the best instant remedies for BOTH of those. Why? Cause to handle the bells well you MUST stay in a perfect NEUTRAL spinal position which means the core is 100% activated and acting as a corset... You know, the way the core is meant to work? Because you're spine and pelvis are … [Read more...]
Yes, I Do Cardio AKA The Heart is a Dumb Muscle
The heart only knows one thing: How much stress the body is under. That's it, nothing more. It's only responding and adapting to the signal(s) its given. So think about it.... Do you really need to do this [insert miserable cardio modality here] ???? The answer is no. The ONLY THING YOU NEED TO DO IS MANIPULATE YOUR HEART RATE TO GET THE DESIRED RESPONSE. The modality you use is of no consequence. What's that got to do with anything? Well, a lot of my peeps ask me, Do You Do Cardio? Yes, I try to get it in 2 times a week. I primarily use "cardio" to improve cardiac output and recovery. I'm not trying to push my max heart rate, or … [Read more...]
In Praise of Lifting Straps
Never Use Lifting Straps. They weaken your grip and make you a P.U.S.S.Y I used to say that...a lot. It was like gospel. I was right then and I'm wrong now. Mostly because I was young and dumb.... See, the problem with youth and/ or inexperience is that you're young and have no experience. <---I know, that's really deep. The problem with being young, as it pertains to sports and physical stuff, is you can do really stupid sh@t, often, at high volumes, and intensities and recover almost immediately. You're like a metaphorical, living, breathing Wolverine... Stole this pic, please don't sue me Marvel This means you don't really learn from the … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Superman Mobility
There are some near universal truths when I get a new client: 1: They lack Thoracic Mobility/ scapula control 2: They lack glute activation/ strength 3: They create motion from the lumbar spine, and consequently have overactive spinal errectors (low back muscles) I would guesstimate that I see all three of these in a new client 90% of the time (cause, they are somewhat interrelated) and at least 2 of the three get hit about 95% of the time. And it all goes back to our flexed forward, low amplitude/ low velocity world. If you're always sitting, hunched over a screen, in a box, or in front of a box, you're probably not: Sitting up straight, shoulders in … [Read more...]
One is Greater than Zero
As I've said before, I think, we have developed into an excuse based culture. Instead of finding a way, we've learned to look for a way out. In that vain.. We're one month into the new year. Hows that Exercise and Eat better resolution working for ya? If you're like a lot of people, it's not. You probably started strong but fell into the perfection trap. <---I made that term up, I think. Personally, I think the "perfection trap" is an excuse veiled as an actual reason. Kinda like the false sacrifice.. Here's how this works: "I'm going to work out for 60 minutes 5 times a week." And while motivation is high and you're prioritizing exercise, it works … [Read more...]
Spoon Bending, Physical Capital and Being Injured!
"I got hurt doing: insert activity that I associate with the pain I'm currently having" Actually...it's not that simple. That's probably not the case. At least not entirely.... You're just not that fragile. There's a good chance that the activity that you associate with the pain you're currently having wasn't just from: THAT Swing THAT Lunge THAT Pushup Picking up THAT couch... It's more insidious than that. I've Got a Snowball, I Need to Throw it...... From: capt_tain Tom When someone’s back hurts they don’t want to blame their lifestyle, fitness level, or daily patterns. Instead, they want to blame their back pain on starting the lawn … [Read more...]