How do I Preface This? It's tough, because, Stir The Pot is most definitely in the running and may, in fact be, the greatest core exercise known to mankind. The problem(s) are two-fold: It's too advanced for most people (lots of digging elbows, overarched backs, drooping hips). The focus is too often on speed of movement (just get through the reps). The focus should be on: Creating TENSION, holding the plank position, the whole time. Being SMOOTH and controlled, never rushing or relaxing. What Makes Stir The Pot So Special? It works ALL aspects and functions of the core, anti- extension, flexion, rotation, with one movement. "True … [Read more...]
2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference Review
2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference The NSCA finally held one of their conferences in Baltimore... As with all things, there are pros and cons to this. I didn't have to get on a plane, pay for a hotel and spend a ridiculous amount to stuff my piehole stay fed. But I also didn't get a child-free mini vacation. #Adulting When I first got certified, circa 2006(ish) the National Strength and Conditioning Association had 2 major conferences each year. The National Conference The Personal Trainers Conference. In fact the first full. multi-day, NSCA event I ever went to was the PT conference in about 2007 or so. It was in Las Vegas. My … [Read more...]
Esoteric Sh@t: Why We Fall For Stuff Like Apple Cider Vinegar
This Just Happened (again): *I've been asked this question al least 20 times in the last month or two.... Client: "What Do You Think About Apple Cider Vinegar?" Me: "What do you mean? I think it makes pulled pork taste good...." Client: "Do you think taking a shot of it before you eat does anything for losing weight?" Me: "Have you ever taken a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar? I haven't, but I'm pretty sure you aint eating sh@t after you do." Apple Cider Vinegar Helps You Lose Weight? Really? Seems too easy right? Mostly, how the hell did we JUST COME ACROSS THIS NOW? We're Drawn to Esoteric, Novel, Unbelievable Sh@t No matter how unbelievable, … [Read more...]
Fake News: Understanding Science and The Media, Part 2
This is a continuation from Part 1 which you can find by clicking here: Fake News, Part 1 BTW: this a LITERAL continuation. I wrote the post in its entirety. it was 7,000 words and ain't nobody got time for that. So I tried to find logical ending points every 1500-2500 words and break it up. SO, like I said, GO READ PART 1. Then come back and hit up part 2. Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain I'm not gonna lie, I hear this the most and it always has me feeling like: Wait But What? Artificial sweeteners have a VERY low-calorie content. For all intended purposes its ZERO. How the hell could they cause weight gain? "A new meta-analysis and … [Read more...]
Fake News: Science and The Media, Part 1
*Be forewarned this is the first in a series of posts. There is literally NO TRANSITION from one to the next. The original post was about 7000 words and aint no body got time for that. So I chopped it up into readable bites. Literally I decided on what I thought were good points to rest and CUT and PASTE into the next post. So they do stop and start a bit abruptly, but you're smart and can handle it. The intention is to educate a bit on some science(y) type stuff you may not really understand so that you have the tools to be more mistrustful educated and skeptical about media driven science. So the next time you hear "A new study out today" from some mouthpiece on the … [Read more...]
Does Online Training Actually Work?
This is a Facebook message I got a few weeks ago.. Jackass "Friend" From College: "Online Training? WTF? There's no way you can train people without being there. What a crock of sh@t. Way to rip people off." *Full disclosure, this was the follow-up after I told him I couldn't write-up a 16 week mesocylce, to "get ripped for the summer" for free. But we could set up Online Coaching for the next three months and then reevaluate. Yeah, I do see the irony, at least to me, that a 16 week mesocycle pulled completely out of my ass, based on knowing NOTHING about this person would be better than 3-6 week cycles based off of an assessment and feedback. But that's just … [Read more...]
2018 Coaches Conference Review
CEU's Everyone in the fitness world knows what CEU's are. They're those things that, much like a ninja, creep up on you silently then strike you down. For the uninitiated: CEU's= Continuing Education Units No matter the certification, you'll need em to keep it. CEU's are: Education: so you stay on top of your knowledge and skills and remain active in the community Revenue stream: for the certifying agency The 2015-17 NSCA Recertification Period: AKA My Time of Dying In the pre kid period, CEU's were of no consequence. I always had so many, so early it was just a matter of report them and send the money. Not So Fast My Friend Then kids … [Read more...]
New Year, New You? Why Your Resolutions are BS and WILL FAIL.
So ya got ya some "Resolutions" Resolutions Defined: a firm decision to do or not to do something. Things like: Eat better Exercise more Read more Listen more Be a better (insert: father, husband, wife, friend) Sleep more Sleep less Be more present But lets face it, it's all bullsh@t and you know it. I don't want to be the buzzkill in the room but your resolutions are gonna fail. Don't get mad at me, get mad at all the failed resolutions made each year. Why Do We Fail Ourselves? It's really pretty simple. Does the calendar turning to Jan 1 fundamentally change who you are? It Doesn't. And that's why you fail. "it's … [Read more...]