CrossFit didn't invent the sled. But they sure as hell made it popular. I first heard about sled dragging from reading ancient T-Nation and Westside articles. Like most things "strength" today, Louie and the guys at Westside were dragging sleds LONG before just about anyone else. It seemed like any problem you had: Fat Out of Shape Weak You'd get the "shakes" when you would get under a squat bar All of these things were,cured by copious amounts of sled dragging, according to this mad man: This is NSFW I still don't know how the hell dragging a sled, no matter how much weight is on it, can stop you from shaking … [Read more...]
Is Coaching Dead? AKA: Rise of the Machines!
Enter The Age of Technology: With explosion of athlete assessment tools in the last decade, everything from movement assessments (FMS), train-ability assessments (HRV), genetic assessments to immediate power output assessments (catapult) training variables and physiology can easily be measured. On the cheap and in, or almost in, real-time. When I first read about the Omegawave (HRV monitor), from Charlie Francis forums, the cheapest model was 10K. Now you can get a fairly reliable HRV app on that magic box that lives in your pocket for under $100, and that's the better ones out there. You can get a crappy one for FREE... These are all INCREDIBLY powerful … [Read more...]
This Getting in Shape Thing, It’s Not Easy and Never Will Be
I really hate it when people go, "It's easy for you to workout and eat right, you work in a gym." Or, my favorite "it's easy for you to be in shape, you get paid to work out all day." WTF is that, yeah, I work out all day..... The truth about this whole working out and being "in shape" thing: It Sure as Hell isn't Easy. If it was everyone would do it and most are not. Fact is: MOST people in the United States are overweight. (the number is somewhere around 60-70%). That's Fu#king Atrocious. I'm not going to be one of those "You're fat cause you're stupid and lazy" guys. Cause, you're not know what you should do AND you're not … [Read more...]
10 Random Thoughts on the Deadlift
#1: No, The Deadlift Doesn't Blow Out Backs: People are generally really scared of this lift and it's because this is, "deadlifts destroy your back" mind virus has permeated the culture for, since forever. It needs to stop. That sh@t YOU did, that blew out your back, it wasn't even a deadlift to begin with. [Tweet "Don't blame an exercise for your sh@tty technique."] #2: When I started this whole creating disciples to one day take over the world Training People Thing, no one Except me Deadlifted. I'm dead serious about this. <-----see what I did there? In college at (The) Towson University the ONLY people I ever saw deadlifting were with me or in the … [Read more...]
Broscience, Labcoats and Calluses
I'm a BIG Fan of Science and Evidence Based Practices. I tend not to hold much broscience in very high regard... Check out Broscience Life on The YouTube, it's amazing That is, unless that broscience is time-honored, tested and approved. By Bros' people who have gotten really good results from it, consistently. BroScience: Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.- urban dictionary Here's the thing: A lot of what science says today will be different in 20 years. And that's a good … [Read more...]
Gluten, Diet Coke and the Evening News
Science is a Real Bitch. Especially when it's in the hands of the lay person when it comes to health/ fitness and wellness. Why? Cause most people have little to zero actual scientific understanding of what the hell is going on, so they believe the thing of the minute, what's new, cool and what their friends are doing. Or, worst of all they follow the fear box TV. Case in Point: Gluten: "Gluten, wholy Sh@t my pants, GLUTEN. WTF are we gonna do? That sh@t is in everything! We're not adapted to it, it's GMO nightmare on a stick, I mean, in a loaf...I hate f-ing gluten" via nutty4nutrition Everyone went "off" gluten and went, " It's the best I've ever … [Read more...]
Bane Looks Cool, You Look Like a Jackass
The "Bane Mask" Training Mask 2.o The makers of the mask claim training with it simulates training at a high altitude environment.. This is why dumbing things down is usually a bad idea: "Train at altitude because there is less oxygen, you'll get used to that and when you come back to sea level you'll perform better" Except that statement is false. Truth: you may...maaaay Perform better at sea level after training at altitude, but then again, maybe not. In fact, most sports scientists believe the "Train lo- live high" approach to be best. performance at altitude, acclimatization and/or hypoxic exercise is preferable; for performance at sea level, living at … [Read more...]