Your Thoracic Mobility Probably Sucks. I don't care if you have the worlds most ergonomic chair, desk setup, a standing desk and one of those bra looking posture things. Your thoracic mobility probably sucks. We sit, slouched over, Stand, slouched over, And generally live life, slouched over. And since, "tissues respond and adapt along the lines of stress applied" We end up....slouched over. But there's good news. We can make it better. Why's Thoracic Mobility Matter Anyway? Welp, this guy, subscribes to the joint-by- joint approach. The short version of which is: the joints of the body alternate needing mobility and … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Hip Flexion
I talk a LOT about hip extension. ie butts. But(t) what about hip flexion? Well, it's SUPER important too. Don't We Get Enough Hip Flexion Already? Yes and No. Yes, we do live in a flexion heavy "culture". But(t) if you really think about it, there isn't a ton of true hip flexion that occurs. It's usually FAKE hip flexion. What's Fake Hip Flexion Look Like? Lumbar Flexion + Anterior Pelvic Tilt and usually combined with excessive knee flexion. It's not uncommon for someone to actually LACK hip flexion and substitute a rounding of the low back (bringing the belt buckle/ pelvis to the chin) instead of hip flexion. the shot on the left is … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Mini Band Monster Walk
"Walk Like Frankenstein" That's how you do these. You, "walk like Frankenstein". But Here's The Thing: People are pretty poor at walking like Frankenstein these days. As usual its that whole weak hips/ core control thing. My best guess is too much sitting with the low back rounded and pelvis tilted forward (makes the lower back overactive) combined with weak hip external rotators makes the MiniBand Monster Walk a mini sh@t show sometimes. Why The Mini Band Monster Walk? These actually train more than just the #booty. Things like: Pelvic control Core control Ankle and Foot strength Mini Band Monster Walks Checklist: Start with a … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Single Leg Glute Bridge
Do Single Leg Glute Bridges = Hamstring Cramps? There's a solid chance that's what's going to happen the first time you do these, Hamstring cramps. And THAT tells you something. YOUR ASS ISN'T DOING IT'S JOB optimally.... And this is super common, "Research shows high gluteal muscle activity during a single-leg bridge compared to other gluteal strengthening exercises; however, prior studies have primarily measured muscle activity with the active lower extremity starting in 90 ° of knee flexion with an extended contralateral knee. This standard position has caused reports of hamstring cramping, which may impede optimal gluteal strengthening." - BUILDING A BETTER … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Pushups on Handles
Want to hear some Bro Blasphemy? For most people, The Pushup Should be The FOUNDATION of Most Upper Body Pressing. Yes, the bench press can probably be loaded to a greater degree. Yes, the overhead press requires more "total body stability" But, from my perspective, the pushup is the foundational upper body pressing movement. Virtues of the Pushup: Trains the whole body. A well done pushup is just a "moving plank". Trains the rotator cuff: Rotator cuffs respond to compression and distraction. Pushups are compression. Closed Chain (unless they're suspended) so probably a bit safer/ easier on the shoulder. Pushups allow the scapula to move "freely" … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Side Plank
I'm Pretty Partial to Obliques. I think they're pretty important. Essentially, obliques "tie" the ribcage to the hip. "Core abdominal musculature plays a critical role in nearly every baseball-related movement as it is heavily utilized for maintenance of posture, throwing, swinging, twisting, pivoting, running, and jumping activities. These muscles, especially the internal and external obliques, help transfer forces along the kinetic chain from the lower extremities to the upper extremities." - Epidemiology and Impact of Abdominal Oblique Injuries in Major and Minor League Baseball Anatomical Role of the Obliques If you read an anatomy book it'll tell … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX High Row
"Pack Yo Scaps!" We know the back is important. Lats are super important. But what about the upper back? That area over/ around and in between the scapula? "If You Want Healthy Shoulders You Need a Strong Upper Back" - Matt Wenning What's my most prescribed exercise? Band Pull-Aparts An upper back exercise. Literally EVERY client I train is performing some form of the band pull-apart in every workout. Why? Well, we ALL need more upper back. Desk Jockey Syndrome Living in a hunched over/ flexed forward anterior based world has left us, as a population, devoid of rear delts, mid traps, rhomboids and scapula control. Why's The … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: X- Band Walks
Gym Class Warm Up, Circa 1995: "Ok Guys, we're gonna warm up with some of these, some of those, a couple stretches and get the balls out and shoot some hoops" That's right a "warm up" used to be run a couple laps, then stretch and you were not impervious to injury. I'm gonna lay some real sciency shit on you, That's Not Really How "Injury Prevention" Works. In fact, that approach might actually be WORSE, than doing nothing. But, as far as warmups go, the "sum a deese, sum a dats" approach is probably neutral at best. Dynamic Warmups By about 2002-03(ish) it pretty much industry standard that a "dynamic warmup", one where you were do "dynamic"/ … [Read more...]