"The Worlds Greatest Stretch" Pretty sure I first heard that term applied to this exercise in this book. Circa 2005 (and the book was 2-3 years old then). Fun Fact: Core Performance was the 2nd real "training" book I ever bought. The first was Functional Training for Sports. Core Performance is a book that, unfortunately, I didn't recommend for a long time. It has a really heavy focus on movement, mobility, and "integration". At the time I read it I was 22-23ish and bulletproof. So I was like, "WTF is all this "movement" about, you gotta smash some weight". Well, what I didn't have was experience, perspective and humility. 1) I should have known, at … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Stability Ball Dumbbell Bench Press
Yeah, I know I rag on wobble stuff all the time. I even did Masters Work on unstable surfaces. So I can say with a fairly high degree of certainty: If you're trying to get really strong, This Exercise Should Probably NOT be One of Your Primary Strength Exercises. But for accessory stuff, it ain't all that bad. Here's The Deal: We'll start with the bad <---ALWAYS start with the bad. Get up and "eat the frog" Using an unstable surface instantly makes you weaker. "It has been established that there is a significantly lower peak isometric force and rate of force development during resistance exercises under unstable as compared to stable conditions. In … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Pallof Press
Core, Core, Core, You need it, preferably LOTS of it. But just having ABZZZ isn't enough. You need a core that actually works. A core that STOPS, instead of creates or allows movement through the lumbar spine. The "core" must create, as Dr. Stu McGill puts it, "Super Stiffness" *this in NOT an ED commercial...But his lab did do this study. So sit-ups, crunches, Russian twists, these things, all out. And "Anti- Core", exercises that "BRACE" the spine against movement is all in.... Ribcage Down, Hips in Neutral: The Cylinder Position Here's the short: Use your "core" to create a stable platform not your lower back. Jamming your L4, L5 and … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Cat/ Camel/ Cow, Whatever, Thoracic Spine Mobility
If You're Reading This You Probably Have Sh@tty Thoracic Mobility.. How do I know this? I'm not Yoda, Gandalf or even Harry Freaking Potter, But I am kinda like that kid (he's an adult now) from that Sixth Sense movie. You know, the one by M. Night Shamalama-ding-dong. The "I see dead people" kid. https://youtu.be/ZSNyiSetZ8Y Except, "I See "Sh@tty Posture" Fact is, too many of us sit, with our face in a computer or head hung down looking at a screen too often. <------understatement of the century. You're all slumped over, hanging off the ribcage. Do it long enough and you'll literally end up with this posture: Here's the … [Read more...]
You Should Do this: Kettlebell Figure 8
These are Kinda BRUTAL Like they can get really hard, really fast... Hard Where? Hard All Over. This exercise was popular for a minute a few years ago, but you don't hear about it much anymore. I guess cause it's kinda F-ing hard, takes your breath away, makes your whole body burn and you sweat instantly. Why Do Kettlebell Figure 8's? Cause they hit EVERYTHING at once. Literally: Core (all of it) Upper Back Shoulders Quads Hamstrings Glutes They all get hit pretty hard. Why Else (the Real, Real Reason I use them): The Kettlebell Figure 8 (when done correctly ie. not all slop city) forces you to CONTROL movement, in an ATHLETIC … [Read more...]