You Should Do This: “The Worlds Greatest Stretch” AKA Groiners W/ Rotation

"The Worlds Greatest Stretch" Pretty sure I first heard that term applied to this exercise in this book. Circa 2005 (and the book was 2-3 years old then). Fun Fact: Core Performance was the 2nd real "training" book I ever bought. The first was Functional Training for Sports. Core Performance is a book that, unfortunately, I didn't recommend for a long time. It has a really heavy focus on movement, mobility, and "integration". At the time I read it I was 22-23ish and bulletproof. So I was like, "WTF is all this "movement" about, you gotta smash some weight". Well, what I didn't have was experience, perspective and humility. 1) I should have known, at … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Body Saw

"Ribs Down" I say that a LOT. Like all day. See I also say, "Chest Up" A Lot. And most folks think chin up is chest up <---if this is you, you're thoracic spine needs some love. And by "love" I mean, EXTENSION. But these are different things. And too much "chest up" usually leads to compensation and the dreaded Lumbar Hyperextension... The Duck Butt An aggressive over-arching of the lower back. Which is another compensation pattern that's associated with a tight thoracic spine.. Wait But Why? How can excessive cervical AND lumbar motion be the result of a stiff thoracic spine? Easy, if the segments in the middle of the spine don't move (do … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Hamstring Slider Curls

I'm going to tell you something you probably don't want to hear... You Have a Weak Core, Ass and Hamstrings... Just kidding, you read this blog enough to know that already. The Posterior Chain: Essentially its all the muscles on the back of the body. Calves Hamstrings Glutes Spinal Errectors Lats Rhomboids Traps Rear Delts Traps Triceps Its important and its usually chronically under trained. Fun Fact: Go find the guy in the gym with a big hard ass and a thick heavy yoke (upper back and shoulders) and I'm gonna bet you he's a strong mutha that can lift some serious stuff. Hamstrings and Glutes, A Match Made in Heaven: Hamstrings … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Stability Ball Dumbbell Bench Press

Yeah, I know I rag on wobble stuff all the time. I even did Masters Work on unstable surfaces. So I can say with a fairly high degree of certainty: If you're trying to get really strong, This Exercise Should Probably NOT be One of Your Primary Strength Exercises. But for accessory stuff, it ain't all that bad. Here's The Deal: We'll start with the bad <---ALWAYS start with the bad. Get up and "eat the frog" Using an unstable surface instantly makes you weaker. "It has been established that there is a significantly lower peak isometric force and rate of force development during resistance exercises under unstable as compared to stable conditions. In … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Pallof Press

Core, Core, Core, You need it, preferably LOTS of it. But just having ABZZZ isn't enough. You need a core that actually works. A core that STOPS, instead of creates or allows movement through the lumbar spine. The "core" must create,  as Dr. Stu McGill puts it, "Super Stiffness" *this in NOT an ED commercial...But his lab did do this study. So sit-ups, crunches, Russian twists, these things, all out. And "Anti- Core", exercises that "BRACE" the spine against movement is all in.... Ribcage Down, Hips in Neutral: The Cylinder Position Here's the short: Use your "core" to create a stable platform not your lower back. Jamming your L4, L5 and … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Cat/ Camel/ Cow, Whatever, Thoracic Spine Mobility

If You're Reading This You Probably Have Sh@tty Thoracic Mobility.. How do I know this? I'm not Yoda, Gandalf or even Harry Freaking Potter, But I am kinda like that kid (he's an adult now) from that Sixth Sense movie. You know, the one by M. Night Shamalama-ding-dong. The "I see dead people" kid. Except, "I See "Sh@tty Posture" Fact is, too many of us sit, with our face in a computer or head hung down looking at a screen too often. <------understatement of the century. You're all slumped over, hanging off the ribcage. Do it long enough and you'll literally end up with this posture: Here's the … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Single Leg Deadlift with the Angled Barbell

Just About Everyone Should Deadlift.  I mean, they're pretty much the epitome of a "functional" exercise. Like, ya kinda gotta pick stuff up off the ground. But deadlifts with the straight bar can be the DEVIL. Yes, IF you do them with correct technique you'll be ok. IF you have proper: Mobility Bracing Muscle activation Strength TECHNIQUE You'll be ok. But what happens when you don't have perfect technique, like when you're not qualified to do the lift or fatigue sets in? Truth is, there is a HIGH possibility of: Bad SH@T Happening And unlike some other lifts, when Bad Sh@t Happens in the straight bar deadlift there typically … [Read more...]

You Should Do this: Kettlebell Figure 8

These are Kinda BRUTAL Like they can get really hard, really fast... Hard Where?  Hard All Over. This exercise was popular for a minute a few years ago, but you don't hear about it much anymore. I guess cause it's kinda F-ing hard, takes your breath away, makes your whole body burn and you sweat instantly. Why Do Kettlebell Figure 8's? Cause they hit EVERYTHING at once. Literally: Core (all of it) Upper Back Shoulders Quads Hamstrings Glutes They all get hit pretty hard. Why Else (the Real, Real Reason I use them): The Kettlebell Figure 8 (when done correctly ie. not all slop city) forces you to CONTROL movement, in an ATHLETIC … [Read more...]