Fun “Fact” (actually its an “informed opinion” based on the personal experience of yours truly:
The Vast Majority of People Should NOT Overhead Press.
Not everyone, not all, but most.
Wait But What?
“The Shoulder Press is A Foundational Movement”
I agree, its great when done correctly.
It strengthens the shoulders, triceps, upper chest and core, strong enough, even the legs.
But most can’t do them correctly.
Don’t believe me?
Walk by just about any group exercise class doing shoulder pressing and you’ll see:
- Overarched backs
- The weight out in front of the body
- Elbows out at 90 degrees only using 50% range of motion.
Most people just lack the thoracic spine extension and shoulder rhythm to successfully press a weight over their head.
But what if you’ve got plenty of thoracic mobility and still can’t press without pain?
Born This Way:
Stolen from the awesome blog at tony
If everything checks out and you still have shoulder pain pressing overhead you might have a Type 3 or “Hooked” acromion.
With a Type 2 acromion there’s a good chance too much pressing overhead will flare you up . <–how much is dependant on a number of factors. How much weight, how often, total volume, etc.
Even a little bit of overhead work will LIGHT YOU UP LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE.
How to Press Without Pain:
Corner/ Landmine Press:
The Corner Press allows a “flatter”, more horizontal pressing angle, keeping the shoulder joint (sub acromial space) more open than pressing overhead.
Sounds awesome right?
All the pressing, none of the pain?
It is..
But let’s make it more awesome(er)..
The Half Kneeling Corner Press:
Why It’s More Awesome(er):
Combining the half-kneeling stance with the corner press ensures that you’re not getting sloppy with reps.
Because sloppy, not tight, locked down, moving all around reps = falling on your ass.
So you better get turned on and OWN your position.

- Slight flexion or 90 degree angle of the front ankle
- Front foot “Rooted”
- Back big toe in the ground.
- Open side glute on, hip in neutral.
- Ribcage on the abs
- Bar starts 3-6 inches in front of the shoulder.
- Elbow never passes the torso.

Bro Tips:
- Pull the bar into you, never allow it to “fall” into you.
- Think “Press DOWN” into the floor through the front foot and down knee.
- Ribs Pressed down into the abs but NEVER round over.
- Extra movement ANYWHERE is wrong. Just the shoulder and elbow of the pressing arm should move at all.