Heart beats like a rabbit? Yeah, that’s BAD

That super fast resting heart rate that you think is, “normal” or “genetic” or “the way it’s always been”

yea, that sh@t’s killing you…..

No, seriously…it could be

Increased heart rate may signal higher death risk– Serena Gordon, USA Today

Compared to people whose heart rate was consistent at less than 70 beats per minute at both readings, those whose rates increased from less than 70 beats per minute to more than 85 beats per minute had a 90 percent higher risk of death from heart disease. In those whose heart rates started at between 70 and 85 beats per minute, an increase to more than 85 beats per minute at the follow-up reading signaled an 80 percent increase in the risk of heart disease mortality, reports the study.

This seems really bad (Hint: it is) so what to do?

“For people who’d like to improve their heart health, she said the standard advice still holds true. “It’s always beneficial to increase your fitness level, so exercise more. Maintain a healthy weight, and eat healthier foods, and don’t smoke,” she advised.


I thought it was gonna be waaay more complicated than that…

Exercise, eat right, generally take care of yourself.

So ummmmmmmmm, yeah…you might want to do something about that whole “gonna DIE cause I’m out of shape thing“.

And no bitching whining, moaning, complaining and making excuses doesn’t count.

Get off the couch and get moving…

HT Mens Health Mag.com……

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