Metabolic Finishers to Accelerate Fat Loss..Or, How to Hate Life in 10 Minutes or Less

Metabolic Finishers are a really good way to beat the living sh@t out of yourself get some fat-loss training in after some heavy training.

We pretty much covered this here, but folks wanted some examples…

Why Finishers?

After lifting something heavy you should be pretty done….so finishers are a good usually self-limiting exercise(s) that let you get good force output and burn some calories, without getting hurt, even though you’re already pretty drained.

Traditional circuits, usually, are not a good choice here (but body weight circuits are ok) because we’re looking for exercises that we can go hard and switch easily. Having to adjust benches, dumbbells and barbells kinda defeats the purpose.

We’re only devoting 5-15 minutes to this stuff so “dead time” should be spent RESTING not changing out weights. Which, is REALLY difficult and annoying when you’re REALLY tired.

Battle Ropes:

Sled Push:

Actual client, the “Captain” at 6am….

Sled Pull:

You should probably start lighter…..

Kettlebell Complex:

Barbell Complex:

Medicine ball Complex:

Video is actually good but it reminds me why people shouldn’t put music to their videos….

Plate Push:

Usually the plate will not just slide across the floor you’re gonna have to put furniture sliders or a towel under the plate. P.S. the towel thing tends to only work on group exercise (hardwood) floors. 

Things to remember when doing these:

  • DO NOT use crappy technique. Bad technique NOT WEIGHT is how people get hurt.
  • It’s better to use lighter weights and keep the movements flowing, fast and smooth.
  • These will make you weaker if that’s all you do.
  • Some of these can be VERY hard on the CNS and cause quite a bit of residual fatigue. Respect and plan for that.

That last point means: Don’t beat the living sh@t out of yourself everyday, it’s NOT productive.

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  1. […] yes, sometimes that purpose is just to create a giant metabolic debt, get tired as all F@*K and burn some fat off and that’s cool, probably one of the best uses for interval […]