One of my favorite movies ever is The Original Kings of Comedy.
Just so we’re all on the same page, this is in no way conceivable, safe for work.
There’s bad words, it’s not P.C., its sexist, racist, misogynist and every other “ist”.
But funny as all hell.
So put some headphones on…..
One the best bits is DL Hugley talking about his kids.
Basically the bit talks about having a “shitty day”.
Kids REALLY have shitty days, cause, well, they shit their pants….
Kid: Daddy, my butt’s itchy
Dad: Sure is son, cause its chock full of Sh@t…
That’s kinda how I feel when I hear,
Client: Roy, my shoulder hurts…
Me: Sure does “son”, cause your scapula is stuck in place.
Scapula MobilityScaps
Yeah, those shoulder blades you have back there.
They should move.
Scapula Movements:
- Elevation/ Depression
- Protraction/ Retraction
- Upward/ Downward Rotation
- Internal/ External Rotation
- Anterior/ Posterior Tipping
See, the scapula isn’t/ doesn’t really form a true joint anywhere.
“The Scapulothoracic (ST) “joint” is not a true anatomic joint as it has none of the usual joint characteristics (union by fibrous, cartilaginous, or synovial tissues).” –Physiopedia
“No actual bony articulation exists between the scapula and thorax, which allows tremendous mobility in many directions including protraction, retraction, elevation, depression, anterior/posterior tilt, and internal/external and upward/downward rotation.” –IJSPT
They just kinda glide over the thorax.
What I’m Getting At Is:
ALL the muscles around the scapula need to function if it’s going to move properly with and along the thoracic spine and the Humerus.
This; Thoraco-Humeral- Scapular rhythm is on point…
Pain, usually results eventually.
Ever heard the term:
Of course you have.
It’s the lazy, catch-all, term for the bones of the shoulder are pinching down on the soft tissues (usually the muscles) and it hurts like hell when you move your arm in certain ways.
We Need a Functioning Scapula:
That means the muscles that attach to the scapula have to do, what they do, at the right time.
“When weakness or dysfunction of the scapular musculature is present, normal scapular positioning and mechanics may become altered.”- IJSPT
Otherwise the scap is moving too much, or more likely due to a weakness of the scapula stabilizers,
Not Moving at ALL.
And that’s really bad.
“Weakness of the scapular stabilizers and resultant altered biomechanics could result in: 1) abnormal stresses to the anterior capsular structures of the shoulder, 2) increased possibility of rotator cuff compression, and 3) decreased shoulder complex neuromuscular performance.”- IJSPT
How Many Muscles Attach to the Scapula?
Seriously, 17 freaking muscles attach to the scapula.
I was always taught 17, but Wikipedia lists 18 and as far as I can tell 18 is correct, but with both biceps that could be splitting hairs some.
- Pec Minor
- Coracobrachialis
- Serratus Anterior
- Triceps (long head)
- Biceps (short head)
- Biceps (long head)
- Subscapularis
- Rhomboid Major
- Rhomboid Minor
- Levator Scapulae
- Trapezius
- Deltoid
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres Minor
- Teres Major
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Omohyoid
Wait, But What?
Yep, all 17 18 need to work together to keep the scapula moving the right way at the right time to maximize shoulder stability and stay out of impingement and PAIN.
*Before I get to the take home. For OPTIMAL scapula function, you’re going to need more than one exercise.
This one just happens to be pretty boss and checks a lot of the, make your scapula more awesome(er), boxes.
MiniBand Rowing External Rotation

- Band goes around wrists
- Sit or stand tall…..EXTEND your THORACIC SPINE the whole time <—This is imperative, the drill doesn’t work if you slouch at all.
- Elbows at 90 degrees and “tight” to the body, but they do not need to be right up against you, but close.
- From the shoulders externally rotate the arms until the forearms are parallel to each other.
- Recreate a rowing motion, purposefully moving the scapula forward and backward WHILE MAINTAINING EXTERNAL ROTATION (wrist-elbow-shoulder)
- Really focus on getting a clean scapula “pack”/ pinch in the back.
Bro Tips:
- If your elbows flare out/ wrists get closer….you lost external rotation.
- Don’t fake external rotation at the shoulder by spreading the arms wider. It’s NOT about spreading the band more, it’s about CORRECT MOVEMENT.
- Don’t Slouch or round over. Rounding the thoracic spine REALLY limits the motion of the scapula.
- Shoulders stay DOWN. If they hike up as you row, you’re upper trap dominant (like everyone else). Keep them down, think, “shoulders away from the ears”.
- Allow the scapula to move forward as you reach but don’t overreach at the shoulder and “unload”. Always some tension through the posterior shoulder.