Book Review: Never Let Go- I read that sh*t

A client got me a Kindle for Christmas and I must say this thing is an impressive little device.

Any who, when Dan Johns book Never Let Go became a Kindle freebie a couple of weeks ago I snatched it up. (It’s $10 now, but still worth it). Now this bad boy is long, 418 pages but it’s a really easy read and every article/ story is really good. They’re mostly reprinted, old articles, from, in fact I had already read most of them but after reading them again I’m reminded of how  easy it is to forget things we “know”.

Here’s a quick synopsis of the book:

  • Learn and do the basics: Squat, deadlift, clean, bench…you know the stuff they judge to be unacceptable at the “Judgement Free Zone”.
  • Lift HARD consistently, it takes time, repetition, practice to get “good”.
  • When you work, WORK, when you rest, REST…Make the highs high and Lows low.
  • If it’s important do it….. EVERYDAY
  • Everything works….for about 6 weeks, then things have to change
  • Training systems and fads come and go….the basics always stay

See, stuff we already knew, just need to be reminded of sometimes and it only took 400 pages for this genius to do it.

If you have a Kindle and you’re into lifting, spend the $10, you’ll get your investment back and more.

Never Let Go: A Philosophy of Lifting, Living and Learning

Kindle, 6″ E Ink Display, Wi-Fi – Includes Special Offers (Graphite)

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  1. Nice review on an awesome book!