Search Results for: charlatan

Yeah, But He’s Not Certified in That….

When does Human Anatomy and Basic Biomechanics not Matter Anymore? When the certifying agency says so... First off, I love the TRX. I think it's a great product and the educational back-end support on their site is really first class. They mostly get it right, especially for the non-"fitness professional" user. Point of Contention: People shouldn't do pushups like this. From Mens Health, not TRX, but that's kinda sorta how they show it in the manual. It just ain't right. The head of your humerus is all up in your acromion process and stuff. As my Freak Beast of a friend, THE Alex Goldberg recently said in regards to TRX pushups: <---on my … [Read more...]

Broscience, Labcoats and Calluses

I'm a BIG Fan of Science and Evidence Based Practices. I tend not to hold much broscience in very high regard... Check out Broscience Life on The YouTube, it's amazing That is, unless that broscience is time-honored, tested and approved. By Bros' people who have gotten really good results from it, consistently. BroScience: Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.- urban dictionary Here's the thing: A lot of what science says today will be different in 20 years. And that's a good … [Read more...]

Training The Overweight/ Obese Client

"I Thought You Only Trained Athletes?" I wish....but not really Athletes can do ANYTHING and they're fun to train because of that. You show them once and they have it down, better than me, stronger than me.. But here's the fact: "Until you're at the top, you better train all types of people, not just the fun ones"- Mike Boyle If I only trained athletes, I'd be eating Ramen noodles in a cardboard box every night. The vast majority of my clients are regular people who want to be more awesome. Eventually, they become super awesome, but at first they're usually pretty terrible below average physically and this usually includes being somewhat to very … [Read more...]

The Kettlebell Swing, It’s not a Squat/ Front Raise and it Doesn’t go Overhead.

The Kettlebell Swing: What are swings about? What's the purpose? A. Loaded hip hinging and  FORCEFUL hip extension. RKC, HKC, Strong doesn't matter who teaches it and the nuances, some hinge more, some less, regardless, it's about hip hinging and extension. Whats hip hinging? It's engaging/ creating motion from the hips...or pushing the HIPS back without creating motion at the low back. What does hip extension look like you ask? See that arrow? It's pointing out the FULLY extended hip.  It's about using your ass to bring the hips into a fully locked out position. Think hips … [Read more...]

Where to Start…..

New Years Resolutions are stupid, you should already be doing those things, coming up so that means LOTS of people coming into the gyms, many of them for the first time either ever or in a loooooong time. Sadly, there is so much conflicting information out there, that it's hard to figure out what you should be doing to get the results you want. That means most people will take one of two paths: Path 1: The Observer They'll watch what others in the gym are doing (especially those people working with "fitness professionals" ) and they're going to mimic those exercises as best they can. <----this would make sense until you realize the BIG Secret....most "Fitness … [Read more...]

Olympic Lifting, Nice, But Not Necessary.

"Athletes Need Olympic Lifts for Power Development" From How many times have you heard that line? Probably a lot....The NSCA indoctrinates everyone with it.......and I used to repeat it.... Then I got educated, thought about it and realized...that's some dogmatic BS. First things first: What is Power? Other than A kick-ass magazine about all things STRONG.... It's a measure of work done over time. Power= Work/ Time So the faster you can do create the displacement of an object relative to a fixed point, the more powerful you are. Ex. A. 225lbs bench for 3 reps in 3 seconds. B. 225lbs bench for 3 reps in 6 … [Read more...]

CrossFit: My Take, Once and For ALL

I DO NOT Hate CrossFit. I just hate ON CrossFit, cause it's just too easy... Before the handstand pushup/ double unders/ kipping pullup/ wall ball, nut huggers set out to crucify me let me heap some praise. There are In fact there some things that ANY ONE who is in this business should thank CrossFit for. #1. More People are Doing Worthwhile Things in the Gym A lot of people have gotten away from the old back and bi's, chest and tri's body-builder workouts and machine circuits. That's something strength and conditioning luminaries like Mark Rippetoe, Louie Simmons, Mike Boyle and Charlie Francis were not able to do. CrossFit made Squats, Deadlifts, Pullups … [Read more...]