A Story of Fire and Ice: Act 1: Is Ice Really Nice?

  Pulled Muscle? Sprained Ankle? Sore Elbow? "Ice it" R.I.C.E, Right? Rice: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. That's been the go-to advice for, well, since I can remember. Just watch any athletic event. Baseball pitchers with their shoulders and arms completely encapsulated in ice. NFL and NBA sidelines with feet up and ice packs plastic wrapped to ankles and knees. We Do It This Way Because It's Always Been Done This Way Is usually the worst answer ever... Yes, it might be effective. But, is that practice OPTIMAL? Shouldn't the answer be, We Do it This Way, Because We Have EVIDENCE That it Works and is BEST PRACTICE. Me thinks … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Adductor Side Plank

  Adductors are The Forgotten Step Children Of Leg Musculature We forget about them, don't train them, let them fade and shrivel away. until..... POP, Goes the Groin... Truth is, the hip adductor group: Adductor Magnus Adductor Longus Adductor Brevis Pectinius Gracilius are kinda important. <----they're there for a reason. The red area is the Adductor Magnus...yeah, it's a Magnus What Do Hip Adductors Do? This is what we used to know: They adduct the femur...ie, bring the femur in towards the midline of the body. Adductors internally rotate the femur....ie rotate the kneecap toward the midline (think, knock knees) But … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Stir The Pot

  How do I Preface This? It's tough, because, Stir The Pot is most definitely in the running and may, in fact be, the greatest core exercise known to mankind. The problem(s) are two-fold: It's too advanced for most people (lots of digging elbows, overarched backs, drooping hips). The focus is too often on speed of movement (just get through the reps). The focus should be on: Creating TENSION, holding the plank position, the whole time. Being SMOOTH and controlled, never rushing or relaxing. What Makes Stir The Pot So Special?  It works ALL aspects and functions of the core, anti- extension, flexion, rotation, with one movement. "True … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: TRX Hamstring Curl

  Pop Quiz: What's the Function of the Hamstring? Everyone gets: Knee Flexion. Everyone forgets: Hip Extension That's right, the hamstring(s) (3 of the 4) cross 2 joints. The Semitendinosus, and both heads of the Biceps Femoris (long and short) cross both the knee and the hip. So What the Hell Does That do With What?  This means the hamstrings are not only involved in knee flexion, bending your knee, bringing the heel to the butt, like in a seated hamstring curl. The hamstrings are also a player (albeit should be secondary to our old friends the glutes) in hip extension. "The hamstrings have a large moment arm for hip extension, making them a key … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Tall Kneeling Pallof Iso Holds

  Glutes Are Core Lets face it, we could all use a little bit more of both. And the truth is, glutes ARE core. But Roy, "I thought only abs are core." Abzzz are core, but so are glutes. How Are Glutes Core? Abs are primarily meant to STOP motion through the lumbar spine/ "core". The problem with this is that the abs work best when the spine is in neutral. We also call this the Cylinder or Neutral Scissor Position Neutral spine is RELIANT on a neutral pelvis... Wait But What? Yeah, the sacrum, the last segment OF YOUR SPINE is integrated with your pelvis. INTEGRATED, as in, it's the middle segment. You literally can't build a pelvis … [Read more...]

2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference Review

  2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference The NSCA finally held one of their conferences in Baltimore... As with all things, there are pros and cons to this. I didn't have to get on a plane, pay for a hotel and spend a ridiculous amount to stuff my piehole stay fed. But I also didn't get a child-free mini vacation. #Adulting When I first got certified, circa 2006(ish) the National Strength and Conditioning Association had 2 major conferences each year. The National Conference The Personal Trainers Conference. In fact the first full. multi-day, NSCA event I ever went to was the PT conference in about 2007 or so. It was in Las Vegas. My … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Trap Bar Deadlift

  Most People Shouldn't Deadlift..... with a straight bar. Writing those words in 2018 feels kinda like these guys, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXC-jJhFaUI Here comes the we don't give a damn about context Trolls. Regardless of what the 23-year-old internet guru, soothsayer, shaman, "coach" says not everyone should deadlift, with a straight bar. "The Barbell is The Tool of Satan"  I was told that a looooonnnnngggg time ago, by a very large and strong man. At least in his mid 50's and repping 405 on the bench. He was telling me sh@t about what I should do to be able to train forever and still progress. One of those things was, "Don't … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Zottman Curl

You Don't Need An Arm Day I know Arnold had an arm day. Muscle and Fiction told you otherwise. Hell, they said you could add an inch to your arms in one day. That's kinda, sorta, straight up bullshit not the truth. On all fronts. Yes. Arnold did have an "arm day", and apparently pro body builders today still have arm days.. And they have Exceptional Genetics, They're Hella Strong and get a massive "Spillover Effect" from training other body parts, The Juice....ya know, little things like that. However, most people simply don't need an "Arm Day". But, if you've been lifting for a while you would probably benefit from doing some curls. I Thought … [Read more...]