You Should Do This: Row W/ Miniband Around Wrist


Han Solo and Chewbacca

Penn and Teller

Bill and Ted

Wayne and Garth

Mulder and Scully

like all great combos the sum value of the system is greater than the individual value(s) of both parts combined.

Somehow a great combination makes 120% where only 100% should exist.

The TRX Row With Miniband Around the Wrists is no exception.

Most combination exercises suck because one of the exercises isn’t really challenged at all.

In things like  lunge into biceps curl or Deadlift into shoulder press, half of the movement is basically just going through the motions.

This isn’t that because really, you’re not combining exercises, you’re just adding a miniband to suspension trainer rows.

But look, I needed a Cold Open.

Here’s the thing, you probably sit at a desk all day, all hunched over and internally rotated at the shoulder.

Don’t know if you’re internally rotated at the shoulder?

Stand in Front of a Mirror.

How many fingers on your hand can you see.

The optimal answer should be 1, 2 if you include the thumb.

More than that?

You’re internally rotated. 

Don’t worry, it’s cool, most people are today.

While that’s not great, as long as you don’t have the posture of a silver back gorilla, you’re probably fine.

But why not make it better?

How to Fix Yo Sh@T?

Activate and strengthen the external rotators of the shoulder.

Basically all you need to do is think about firing up the muscles around the scapula, especially muscles towards the midline (spine) and under the scap.

Don’t Rows Train Shoulder External Rotation?

They should, if executed correctly.

But far too often they don’t.

And we all need stronger external rotators, so it’s not a bad thing to get more of a good thing.

See, to train the external rotators in a row you need to  EXTERNALLY ROTATE (maintain a neutral arm position) the shoulder throughout the movement. .

And most don’t do that, especially not in the end range (scapula fully packed) if they can even get to end rage which is important because…

If you’re not getting that good scapula retraction when you pull you’re probably only training your lats, which you do need more of, but…..

Here’s the thing with the lats.

They have a LOT of functions and one of those is,

Humeral Internal Rotation

That’s right, if you just train lats, you’re MAKING YOUR HUMERAL INTERNAL ROTATION WORSE.

And we don’t want to do that, so lets not.

Instead, we can push the “Easy Button” and right the world.

Or at least start to unf#ck your shoulders.

TRX Row With MiniBand Around The Wrists


  • Miniband around the wrists
  • Externally rotate against the band, from the shoulder, the whole time.
  • Do not allow the hands to get closer together as you return to the start position.
    • Wrist, elbow, shoulder alignment the when rowing


  • Go light, like really light at first
  • If the elbows flare at all, STOP, you’re doing it wrong.
  • Here’s your mantra:

“Shave the ribcage with the elbows, pull the band apart with the wrists”

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About Roy:

I wrote this, if you think it rocks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share and tell people about this article. If you think it sucks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share this article and tell people I'm the biggest jerk in the world (or not). Either way thanks for reading, sharing and let me know what you think.