Stuff From the Web

This post is basically a rip off of the “Good Reads” format that Ben Bruno and Tony Gentilcore do every week. I went through the interwebs this morning and found a plethora of really good articles and blog posts…

Carl Valle at discusses Peyton Manning and how posture can play a HUGE role in athletic performance.
NFL Dead Pool- Mannings Neck Watch 4

Carl’s blog over there is consistently really good, short, concise and always making a very strong, really smart point.

4 Pillars of Good Health by  Adam Bornstein.

For many people, the physical aspect is what’s lacking. We convince ourselves that being social, working, and spending time with the family supersedes the need to exercise or make smart dietary choices; but if you don’t have a healthy body, you are limiting the life you can have. It’s that simple. Everything starts with your body—but that’s not where it ends. If you spend all your time focusing on your body, you miss out on all the other aspects of life that make your time worthwhile.

The weather has been ridiculously nice lately so people are getting out and playing recreational sports again and with the spring high school sports  season hear I’m hearing about more and more clients and their kids with hamstring pulls. These are a real bitch to treat, so why not prevent them?Ten Ways to Prevent Hamstring Pulls– Charles Poliquin

Tony’s blog might be my favorite blog on the webz and this is another example why, straight up truth. If you’re not putting your hands on your clients, you probably are not very good….just saying. People pay us because they usually are not very good at this whole training thing, and when they are pretty good they want to get better. If people like Mike Boyle, Alwyn Cosgrove, Dave Tate, and Dan John all agree that everyone, NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEY ARE, can get BETTER from hiring a good coach I’m guessing there’s value in that.Point being, it’s very hard to simply get people to do what you want through verbal cues alone and everyone can get better. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “chest up” and I get head up……but if I put my hands in someones thoracic spine and say “get tall” it works almost instantly.

Want someone to arch hard? Put your hand in their lower back.

Want them to do a lower body movement without driving the shin forward? Use your hand as a barrier.

Look at how many times Rippetoe touches this guy to get him in the right positions.

Fix Your Posture to Maximize Health– Bill Hartman

Great overview of postural problems, the why’s and how to’s to get them fixed. Go through each one, you probably need the work…help.

Exercise can Lead to Female Orgasm, Sexual Pleasure– Herbenick, Fortenberry

The study did not determine how common it is for women to experience exercise-induced orgasm or exercise-induced sexual pleasure. But the authors note that it took only five weeks to recruit the 370 women who experienced the phenomenon, suggesting it is not rare.

I’m just gonna leave it at that….

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  1. Great post mate!