1 Arm TRX Plank Planks are really good. They do lots of good stuff for ya. But you don't do them, at least, not enough. Or, you unfortunately saw something like this, This is super impressive, from a competitive standpoint. Just not a useful from a "fitness" standpoint. Your friend at the gym told you they hold a plank for: insert insanely and mostly useless length of time here _______ and you thought, "WTF is the point? If I need to waste a whole day just hanging out on my forearms?" "Not So Fast My Friend"- Lee Corso https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVAc3q-7qPQ Yes, that really is mostly just, hanging out off your low back and doing a whole lot … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Half Kneeling Chaos Pallof
"Get Your Core Tight" What the hell does that actually mean? It seems to mean different things to different people. The old school powerlifter means, "Push your belly out into your belt" The functional fitness, physioball, guru means, "Pull your belly button to your spine" The "I don't really know what that means" weekend warrior means, "Round over, perform a half crunch and try to flex your 6 pack abs" So What the Hell Does "Get Your Core Tight" Actually Mean? To me, it means create, and maintain a neutral hip/ spine/ ribcage alignment regardless of the magnitude and direction of forces applied to you. ie. Maintain the Pillar. Your Core As a Coke … [Read more...]
Lats are Core: Engage the Lats to Create TRUNK Superstiffness.
"You've Got a 400lbs Squat cause You've Got 600lbs Legs. But 400lbs Abs" - Louie Simmons, Via Dave Tate See, the key to lifting big weights, athletic performance and staying injury free is, in part, moving the correct thing, at the correct time. The forgotten (or more often ignored) part of that statement is... NOT MOVING WHAT SHOULDNT MOVE. or more accurately Not ALLOWING What Shouldn't Move To Move. This part of the equation is EQUALLY and maybe MORE important. If stuff starts moving, under heavy loads, at high velocities or positions of great instability/ challenge. YOU'R DONE And in my opinion probably exponentially exposed to tissue … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Plank Elbow Touch
Why do we swing our arms when we walk? This used to be one of the big questions in exercise physiology. The other was what's the limiting factor in oxygen utilization? O2 uptake at the muscles or O2 uptake at the lungs (the pressure across the alveolar membrane and red blood cell affinity for 02, etc) <----its this one, google anatomical dead space Circa 2009 we figured out why we swing our arms.... Swinging your arms while you walk: Makes walking more "economical" Keeps us walking straight "The results showed that arm swinging, either normally or in the opposite direction, required little effort from the muscles. “Instead of being … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Farmers Carry
What's the Most Functional Exercise You Can Do? Probably picking sh@t up and carrying it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzu5JraS9kM really great tutorial and variations, def worth the watch We just went over this a few weeks ago...You Should Do This: Chaos Carries But, I've kinda, sorta noticed that not only have Farmers Carries become more popular but they're often absolutely brutalized. Most People do Farmers Carry's Like a Wet Noodle. I don't know how this became a thing but more and more the bells or worse the PERSON is waving in the wind while "performing" the exercise. Maybe it comes from seeing things like the Worlds Strongest Man on TV. Or … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Chaos Carries
As if PROPERLY performed loaded carries aren't bad enough. Using a band as a handle takes them to a whole new level.... But Why Do Loaded Carries In the First Place? Loaded Carries might be the most "functional" exercise there is. I mean, ya pretty much gotta pick up and carry stuff all the time. *Or at least decently strong people have to pick up and carry things all the time. There are lots of people who don't pick up and carry things, you don't want to be those people, Those People DIE. "Perceived work ability in midlife was associated with mortality and disability in old age among blue-collar and white-collar employees. It is plausible … [Read more...]