Athlete Development... You hear that a lot, In magazines, books, on TV. But what does it really mean? Does it mean sh@tty power cleans? just skip to 1:50 or so... Gasser's after football practice? <------cause you routinely run 100 yards in a fatigued state during football games. Pitchers running 5 miles the day after pitching? Nearly year-long, soccer, baseball, hockey...... Do these things "develop" the athlete? Does the athlete end up better/ neutral or worse after these things? Or are they a constant test of where the athlete already is? [Tweet "Unfortunately, this is the essence of "Athlete … [Read more...]
The World Cup…or… Why we suck at Soccer
World Cup: I never thought I would say this; has been worth watching. (No I'm not some type of soccer whore suddenly and yes I only watch when the U.S. plays). All I'm saying is that last second Landon Donovan stuff was pretty boss, it doesn't matter if you enjoy soccer or not. Pic from It was just like a story book. Landon scored then blew a kiss to his wife/ ex-wife/ facebook status: "It's complicated" gal pal Bianca Kajlich, how cute is that... Just so you know........ Any way it's been interesting to say the least. What's really awesome is, with a population of 300+ million, and being the richest country on the face of the … [Read more...]