Back Pain is an Epidemic But it's not the back who is to blame. It's often the thoracic spine and/ or the hips. In general, people with bad backs, have strong backs with too much motion occurring at the lumbar region "those who have more motion in their backs have a greater risk of having future back troubles people with troubled backs use their backs more. Generally, they walk, sit, stand and lift using mechanics that increase back loads. Many of them have stronger backs but are less endurable than matched asymptomatic controls (McGill et al, 2003). They tend to have more motion in their backs and less motion and load in their hips." - Designing Back Exercise: … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Quadruped Thoracic Rotations
How's Your Posture? Well, you're reading this, so I'm guessing it's not too hot. Actually, it probably sucks. Flexion Much? Just so we're on the same page, this, while common, is shitty posture. Got it from pexels Of course you do. Almost all of us do.. It's almost inevitable due to the way society is structured today. Sit to eat breakfast Sit in your car to drive to work Sit at work all day Sit in your car on the way home Sit to eat dinner Sit in front of the TV *there's a theme here.... I Pity Your Thoracic Spine Wikimedia commons Sitting, after only a few minutes tends to result in flexed forward posture. Sitting tall with … [Read more...]
With Age Comes Wisdom…..
Or so they say.... Stoled it from Bluemoonblog Now that I've been on this earth for a third of a decade I'd like to think I've learned a thing or two. So in honor of getting old(er) here's some things I think I've learned about my fitness: 1. I can't do at 33 what I could do at 23. My workouts even 2 years ago were much "more" than they are today. More volume, more intensity....more of everything. What I've learned is that my recovery just isn't what it used to be and I need to be more mindful of that. I used to feel "beat up" most of the week. Despite less sleep and a boatload more stressors, backing off a little has helped my recovery immensely. I … [Read more...]
Get your Psoas (Pronouced So-As) Right
The Psoas is one of those "muscles of the minute". Just like the Glute Medius, Vastus Medialus and Rhomboids before it, right now EVERYTHING is somehow linked to a Psoas dysfunction issue. This isn't true....but it kinda is. In the last 2 years I've had more and more clients than ever with Psoas issues. But what is true is that the Psoas is waaaay more important than we used to think and in a lot of people, especially Desk Jockeys, it's either not doing its job, it's tight as hell or both. Either way it can and probably is contributing to your back pain and/ or anterior hip pain. Especially if you sit all day. What and where the Psoas is: It's a muscle … [Read more...]
Sometimes things in life are obvious.... See, you didn't need me to tell you, you already knew. Sometimes a little reinforcement helps: Don't slow Down to Save Your Back, Exercise Instead- Alexander P. Hughes M.D. Take Home: "increased activity is a key protector of your spine, and by far the best prescription for back health is maintaining an active lifestyle." and more: Bed rest for acute low-back pain and Sciatica- Hagen, KB "advice to rest in bed is less effective than advice to stay active." Let's face it, you knew that lying around, doing nothing wasn't good for you. Seriously, let's have all the structures, muscles, … [Read more...]