The Band Snatch Is Super Cool and Neat-O The Band Snatch has two strengths: 1: It's easy on the shoulder joint for almost everyone. 2: It'll fry your shoulders in the process. All three heads, front, medial, rear delts will all get swoled up. Plus, I stole it from Shelby Starnes, and he's super jacked, so it must be good. You should do it. Checklist: Shoulders IN the joint, the whole time: NEVER Over-reach at the top: Once the shoulder joint is fully extended, that's it. Don't reach as far back as you CAN, reach to the end range of motion. Once the scapula are retracted and the upper arm (humerus) is centered, STOP! Just like … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Pullaparts
The 4 exercises that, I think I program for literally every single client. 1) Cat Camel Stretch: 2) Quadruped Thoracic Rotations: 3) Glute Bridges: 4) Band PullAparts: All 4 address "posture" deficiencies more than anything. In an era of perpetual flexed forward, shoulders rounded forward, desk jockey syndrome we need some more upper back to help PULL and HOLD us up. Besides, I was once told you can never have too much ass, abs and upper back. Band PullAparts 101: Stand tall: … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: McGill Side Plank With Band
Planks are really good for you. IF you do them correctly they can help teach and train a few very important concepts.. 1. Pillar Strength/ Bracing 2. True "Core" Activation 3. Core Endurance Abzzz 101: The "core" isn't just meant to look all awesome on the beach with your bros when your tan is banging and you're trying to pick up bitches.... bro... It's also supposed to stabilize your spine and protect you from hoop, compressive and shear forces. You know, keep you from breaking the first time you pick up a kid, have to carry groceries, or push a car out of a snow rut...<-----all of these are secondary to the more bro(ish) use listed above, … [Read more...]