Planks are really good for you. IF you do them correctly they can help teach and train a few very important concepts.. 1. Pillar Strength/ Bracing 2. True "Core" Activation 3. Core Endurance Abzzz 101: The "core" isn't just meant to look all awesome on the beach with your bros when your tan is banging and you're trying to pick up bitches.... bro... It's also supposed to stabilize your spine and protect you from hoop, compressive and shear forces. You know, keep you from breaking the first time you pick up a kid, have to carry groceries, or push a car out of a snow rut...<-----all of these are secondary to the more bro(ish) use listed above, … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Good Morning with Band Around Knees
Ohh low backs, how you ruin our lives.. Truth is, it's not our low backs fault. It's our fault: we develop faulty movement patterns and then unknowingly do things that exacerbate the issue. In this case it's the ability to hinge at the hips. This is mostly comes down to 2 factors: #1: Initiating Movement at the Low Back #2: A lack of Glute Activation Once we can initiate movement from the hips and turn the glutes on everything else falls in line and you might actually start loading your hips instead of your low back. But I Already Know How To Hinge: Maybe you don't... It's fairly common for experienced exercises to overreach lower back to create a … [Read more...]
The Basics of Band Training…
Training with just bands kind of sucks...and by "kind of", I mean, it totally blows. When people pull this sh@t: "Ohh yeah, all I use are bands." It's cause they are either: Weak Stupid Lazy Trying to sell you some bands and workouts with only bands. Traveling and need something easy and light to take along (cause if it's not Cattle Car Southwest, you're trying to get away with only a carry on too...don't tell me your not). They workout at home and don't want to spend the cash on something more. If you fall into that last 2 category's it's cool, you get a pass. If you're in a full size Globo gym and you spend your day tugging on Mr. Fantastic … [Read more...]