Awesome video I got from the equally awesome Strength Performance Network. That's sooooooo weird no Bosu balls, Bender balls, agility ladders or other bullshit sales pitch piece of crap, not even ZUMBA. Just REALLY strong dudes who, by the way, had excellent flexibility (without Yoga) getting strong by........... ........... lifting weights............ heavy ones............ on a barbell............ That's weird cause I thought you had to have at least 3 swiss balls for every barbell in your gym...and barbells are all old fashioned and non-functional... "But wait!"... Proclaims "Functional Training Guy"- THANK GOD, It's the … [Read more...]
Whats Old is New….Not really, you’re just late to the party…..
June 17, 2011 by Roy:
Filed Under: Program design, sports science, training articles, Uncategorized Tagged With: barbells, Functional Training, kettlebells, lifting weights