The #1, post Beginner phase, Mistake Lifters (still) Make? Rushing The Rep They don't set up with intention, unrack the weight "tight", allow the weight to settle, compress the joints and "feel" the weight before performing the movement. Weights get a little heavy, the set gets a little hard and we start to think, "If I go fast, i'll get in and out, and don't have to hold the weight any longer than is absolutely necessary" This probably happens for a few reasons: Figured out the Stretch Reflex. Sooner or later you've discovered the "bounce" or "rebound" you can get out the the bottom of a squat or bench. Not in a, crash the bar into your chest and … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Floor Press
The Floor Press: It's nothing more than a bench press without the bench. <---like you couldn't figure that one out. Why It's Awesome: Limits the range of motion at the shoulder joint. It's pretty hard to "dump" (approximation the Humerus) the shoulder forward with these. MUCH easier on the lower back than the bench press cause the legs are out of the equation. The floor provides MUCH better feedback than the bench for maintaining shoulder tightness (packing) and driving the shoulders down into the ground to press the weight. Full Pause or Touch and Go? Either.... Full Pause Floor presses are GREAT for building speed, starting strength and … [Read more...]
When Do we Squat, Bench and Deadlift? On How I Became a Giant Puss, and you Can Too.
"Dude WTF happened to you? When did you become such a pussy? So none of your clients Squat, Bench or Deadlift anymore? You've got to be kidding me?" "Isn't it hypocritical to post videos of you doing those things on Instagram and then come out against them?" I got that from a few friends and occasional lifting partners from the last 10 years after I put these gems out: I Actually Prefer Single Leg Deadlifts For Most of my Clients. Switch exclusively to pushups. and I posted this, Why We Don't Squat?- Mike Boyle on my Facebook page (go "Like it") and agreed with the conclusion, Traditional Style, Bar on The Back, Squats, are Unnecessary for Most Lifters So, … [Read more...]