You Don't Need An Arm Day I know Arnold had an arm day. Muscle and Fiction told you otherwise. Hell, they said you could add an inch to your arms in one day. That's kinda, sorta, straight up bullshit not the truth. On all fronts. Yes. Arnold did have an "arm day", and apparently pro body builders today still have arm days.. And they have Exceptional Genetics, They're Hella Strong and get a massive "Spillover Effect" from training other body parts, The Juice....ya know, little things like that. However, most people simply don't need an "Arm Day". But, if you've been lifting for a while you would probably benefit from doing some curls. I Thought … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Modified Rope Climb
This may be the most deceptive exercise EVER. I saw it on Onnit Academy and thought... Ehhhh, that's probably hard on the grip, but not much of a challenge really. WRONG. The first time I did this I had to re-learn a valuable lesson: I SUCK.....BAD. Here's what you need: Battle Rope (or any rope for that matter) Rack (or anywhere to attach it for that matter) Vice Grips for hands Modified Rope Climb: Youtube Version Key Points: Tight line, ears through ankles or knees (if bent) Abs and Glutes on. Shoulders in the joint (tension on the back side) CRUSH the rope...<---this is of the utmost importance if you didn't figure that … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Battle Rope Row
Pulling, we all need more. Like a lot more. Like on a set per set comparison, 2:1, pulling to pushing is a good start for most people. IF you've ever been a client you already know that I'm VERY partial to the TRX/ Ring row. I think it's the best rowing exercise going. It's scalable and basically fool-proof, plus and best of all, it's self-limiting. You can do an ugly rep, but you, and everyone else is going to know it instantly and hopefully that's when you stop. So I was looking for new stuff on the Onnit Academy website and saw Battle Rope Inverted Rows and was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? So I did them and they're sick nasty.....that means really … [Read more...]