CEU's Everyone in the fitness world knows what CEU's are. They're those things that, much like a ninja, creep up on you silently then strike you down. For the uninitiated: CEU's= Continuing Education Units No matter the certification, you'll need em to keep it. CEU's are: Education: so you stay on top of your knowledge and skills and remain active in the community Revenue stream: for the certifying agency The 2015-17 NSCA Recertification Period: AKA My Time of Dying In the pre kid period, CEU's were of no consequence. I always had so many, so early it was just a matter of report them and send the money. Not So Fast My Friend Then kids … [Read more...]
Good “Chefs”, Bad “Cooks”
I spent last weekend at the Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar on the University of Richmond campus. It was once again the best collection of speakers at ANY seminar or conference in ALL of North America, yes Canada, I'm throwing you a bone. When you have two days of people like: Dr. Natalia Verkhoshansky- The daughter and long time right hand of Dr. Yuri Verhkoshansy (the greatest sports scientist EVER). Dr. Michael Kalinski- Head physiological biochemist for the USSR doping program among other prestigious appointments. Henk Kraaijenhof- Maybe the greatest living olympic sport coach in the world. Dr. Michael Yessis- One of the worlds foremost … [Read more...]