"Walk Like Frankenstein" That's how you do these. You, "walk like Frankenstein". But Here's The Thing: People are pretty poor at walking like Frankenstein these days. As usual its that whole weak hips/ core control thing. My best guess is too much sitting with the low back rounded and pelvis tilted forward (makes the lower back overactive) combined with weak hip external rotators makes the MiniBand Monster Walk a mini sh@t show sometimes. Why The Mini Band Monster Walk? These actually train more than just the #booty. Things like: Pelvic control Core control Ankle and Foot strength Mini Band Monster Walks Checklist: Start with a … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Marching Suitcase Carries
Truth is, I Only Know 6 Exercises. If you think about it all exercises come back to: From John Rusins instagram Every exercise falls into one or more of those categories. With loaded carries maybe being the most "functional" of all of those categories. Carries train: Grip Shoulder Stability Core Hips Legs Too often clients with poor core or hip strength or adequate strength but a lack of motor control will compensate by overarching the low back, leaning the trunk to one side or shifting the hips. How do we fix/ counteract these compensations? Marching What are the components of marching? Neutral Pelvis Knee at or … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Plate Resisted Dead Bug
"Roll the belt buckle to the chin.." "Push the bottom rib into the abs...." I say those about 50 times a day. Why? It's all about the Open Scissor position. It's no good. But its the default for lots of people. Instead of using the "core" to brace against the forces, this default makes you Instagram famous uses the lumbar spine and pelvis, driving into each other, to buttress forces. In a perfect world we want a neutral scissor position. The neutral scissor is just the "Pillar" or "Cylinder" position, nothing new. Core Control: You don't want excessive lumbar movement, flexion (rounding) or arching (extension). We need to be able to put the … [Read more...]