Weight Belts, they're Totally Misunderstood. Some research says: Weight Belts Don't Work. <----but this is mostly in occupational settings and has, for reasons I can't understand been extrapolated to the athletic performance arena. Some, most, research says: Yes, They Do. Here's a really nice research review, kinda old, but still pretty good. And that dude at the gym, the guy with the jorts and sweet rat-tail, he's always wearing one. But he's a total tool, The HUGE guy who deadlifts 5 plates for reps, he uses one too. And he's the strongest guy there.... So what's the deal? The deal is: [Tweet "Weight Belts are Used Wrong 99% of the … [Read more...]
Make the Lat Pulldown Machine Useful
For the most part I'm not a big fan of weight machines, but lat pulldowns are pretty good. Especially with the neutral grip bar.... http://youtu.be/JzSzsCGGGeI Thats my online client Nate Dog...doing lat pulldown, nothing special here, just needed a good video and he does a good job. [Tweet "Usually weight machines are nothing but $3-7 thousand dollar coat hangers"]. Fun Fact: Almost every weight machine was produced to replicate a barbell movement. Yeah, I know body builders like them. Yeah, I know that sometimes they do give you a different "feel" and hit the muscle better than a/ the barbell equivalent. <------ Pec Deck: the arms straight kind … [Read more...]
Learning the Hip Hinge, When You’ve Got no Hips
Chances Are, You Suck At This You're probably either doing the stiff knees: got it from Sparkbmxtraining or the rounded low back This is from CliftonParkchiro or both.... See Wha' Had Happen Wazz You're all like the Tin Man. [Tweet "You can't move from the hip, hell you don't even know what a hip is..."] We gotta change that, cause without some hips you're gonna (probably) get some big time fugazi awesome feelings in your lower back. Now this is what hinging the hip looks like: From Bodybuilding.com Hips back Shins Vertical Chest "up" Straight line shoulders through hips Lower back in neutral I know what you're thinking, it's … [Read more...]
Train Yo’ Core Right….
This is Bad......Like REAL bad.....Like OMG DO NOT do this, bad. STOP DOING CRUNCHES, SITUPS and TWISTING MOVEMENTS! They're destroying your spinal discs and either leading to back pain or setting you up for pain in the future. The "Core" is meant to work as a corset around the quite unstable lumbar (low back) spine providing a "bracing" effect to transfer force though the hips and or shoulders. The Lumbar Spine is not meant to be a loose, unstable, creator of motion no matter what you're trainer, doctor or yoga instructor says.... If you need a more in-depth explanation just go here, here or here... What you should do: Focus on making the "Core" a … [Read more...]