If you missed Part 1 and/ or Part 2 click the links, read them and then pick back up here.. Fake News Part 1 Fake News Part 2 This is a long one folks, about 4500 words. Wanted to get this trilogy done and back to the regular fitness stuff. A note on the long quotes. I often get accused of taking things out of context. So I included the context. "I Don't Want to go "On" Creatine. I Want to be Natural. " Maybe I'm wrong but the whole "on"/ "off" something has to do with steroid lingo. Where you cycle on and off of this or that steroid. I think it's safe to say, when people say this, they're pretty much implying: creatine is either like or is an anabolic … [Read more...]
Fake News: Science and The Media, Part 1
*Be forewarned this is the first in a series of posts. There is literally NO TRANSITION from one to the next. The original post was about 7000 words and aint no body got time for that. So I chopped it up into readable bites. Literally I decided on what I thought were good points to rest and CUT and PASTE into the next post. So they do stop and start a bit abruptly, but you're smart and can handle it. The intention is to educate a bit on some science(y) type stuff you may not really understand so that you have the tools to be more mistrustful educated and skeptical about media driven science. So the next time you hear "A new study out today" from some mouthpiece on the … [Read more...]
Dude, do you do protein?
Hell yeah, I do protein! I do carbs too.....and fats like a boss. However, I only dabble in vitamins and minerals. Yeah, see protein its a macronutrient and you need it for that thing called life, if your eating a hamburger...you're doing protein I guess. But I get what people mean and yes, I do use a protein supplement and a few other supplements for that matter. Supplements can be of real benefit if and only IF you have your nutrition in check. No supplements in the world, except those of a pharmaceutical nature, will do a whole lot for you if you're living off food that comes from a drive up window or from a microwaveable box. When breakfast consists … [Read more...]
Creatine will make your arms EXPOLDE! (sarcasm, no they will not)
McMinnville High in Oregon became famous last week. 24 McMinnville football players were seen by a doctor last week with 13 being admitted to the hospital for at least one night all with symptoms of compartment syndrome. 21 of the 24 had elevated creatine kinase levels and 3 actually had the condition and needed surgery to alleviate the pressure. Read the whole story here and here. This case is very unusual and has made a lot of headlines last week. Mostly it's been used to demonize creatine supplementation (although none of the boys admitted to supplementing with creatine) and creatine hasn't been linked to an increased chance of developing compartment … [Read more...]