I DO NOT Hate CrossFit. I just hate ON CrossFit, cause it's just too easy... Before the handstand pushup/ double unders/ kipping pullup/ wall ball, nut huggers set out to crucify me let me heap some praise. There are In fact there some things that ANY ONE who is in this business should thank CrossFit for. #1. More People are Doing Worthwhile Things in the Gym A lot of people have gotten away from the old back and bi's, chest and tri's body-builder workouts and machine circuits. That's something strength and conditioning luminaries like Mark Rippetoe, Louie Simmons, Mike Boyle and Charlie Francis were not able to do. CrossFit made Squats, Deadlifts, Pullups … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: The Kipping Pullup
Would you go to the gym with the express intent of injuring yourself? Probably not. However, if you're doing kipping pullups that's exactly what you may be doing. I can't tell you when you'll get hurt but I can tell you, if you do kipping pullups long enough you WILL get injured. First Things First: Stop Doing this Incredibly Stupid Movement Second Things Second: The kip is NOT MEANT to be an exercise. It's meant to be a SKILL used in the COMPETITIVE SPORT of gymnastics. The Kip <---- overly simplistic explanation of how/ why it works and is viable for competitive gymnasts -----> is a way to use the entire body to generate momentum horizontally which … [Read more...]
Quick answers to some of the most common questions I get asked. Q. Weights or Cardio first? A. If you must do both in the same session....Weights (most of the time) Q. Do Squats Hurt your knees? A. Performed correctly, NO. Q. Are Deadlifts bad for your back? A. Performed correctly NO. Like this...... http://youtu.be/P0ySblouCKs you know the answer...... Q. Squats or Deadlifts? A. Why Choose? Q. Are bench presses bad for your shoulders?. A. Performed correctly, No. See a trend here? Q. Should I overhead press? A. Probably not. B.A. (Better Answer): You probably don't have the scapular stability, and … [Read more...]
Hitler on Crossfit
This just about covers it all: http://youtu.be/3Z2b2x6C5o0 Hat tip- http://asp.elitefts.com/qa/training-logs.asp?qid=150612&tid= … [Read more...]