There are a LOT of fake Yoda's out there pushing the training system of the minute. Then there are guys like Dan Pfaff...oh you know, they've actually DONE IT in the field of sport performance...ohhhh, those guys. These videos are really enlightening....HUGE double hat tip..Ben Bruno for linking to Patrick Ward. Too many people are not listening to coaches like this and are listening to the internet asshat of the minute... … [Read more...]
Holy Sh*t…Sport Science article on…Yahoo?
No really it's true... I thought is was BS at first but it's not. Yahoo sports ran a Grrrrrrrrrrrreat article about Usain Bolt and more so sprinting and running speed. Usain Bolt: A Case Study in Science of Sprinting- Jay Hart Hint: He's not fast because of "advanced training techniques" taught at the local "speed camp". Nor is it Under Armour 360 Combine training, HIT training, Crossfit or even 5/3/1.... Nope, not because of cones or parachutes, kettlebells, Bosu balls, bands or even chains......not even chains? Nope. It has more to do with Sir Issac Newton. Sprinting Speed= How much force exerted against ground and how long that … [Read more...]