"I saw these really SPORT SPECIFIC workouts on Instagram. Maybe we could incorporate some of these exercises" If I had a nickel for every time I got some variation of that line, I'd have at least $50. Keep in mind, that's 1,000 nickels. Point Is: I get that line often. While it's of good intentions it's 100% uneducated and misguided. Keep in mind, its not the clients fault. "You Only Know Everything You've Learned"- Alwyn Cosgrove And unfortunately for the last 2-3 decades the "fitness biz" has done a piss poor job of actually educating the public. Instead, we used to hold "speed camps" and "combine training" where your kid would get faster in a … [Read more...]
Its Working Out, But it Ain’t Doing Sh@t For Your Game.
Training is Exercise With Performance Outcomes in Mind.... Working out is Exercise With Health Outcomes in Mind.... From a distance they look the same, but there is actually a world of difference. Here's the truth: 95% of people WORK OUT. And that's ok, hell, its probably preferable. It's a good thing to be in good health, and "fit" and feel good about yourself, able to walk up stairs without the need for a timeout, straight O2, or a good jolt from an AED. But it's not the end goal of TRAINING. <----hopefully its a nice fringe benefit Training is exercise that is FOR something, an event, sport, activity. Don't be fooled by frequency, volume, … [Read more...]