Free Motion Squat Machine: Want to learn how NOT to squat correctly?......Do this. Why it's jacked-up: You're feet are out in front of you and your hips and back are locked into the pad. It teaches you to hinge from the knees and NOT the hips. Hell you physically CAN NOT hinge the hips. This means ALL QUADS, very little glute (only if you get low enough), and NO hamstrings. Ask someone to squat and 99 out of 100 times they break at the knees and move forward. In a good squat you should break from the HIPS and sit BACK into the motion. Think about it this way: If you had to take a crap in the woods you wouldn't sh@t on … [Read more...]
5 Pretty Common Ways to Jack Yourself Up in the Gym Part 1
What does this guy have in common with you? Chances are you're both: Jacked Up, This is a phrase largely equivalent to screwed up. It roughly means "in a state of disarray" and is commonly used in the phrase "to jack someone/something up". urban dictionary People come to the gym to un-jack themselves but a lot of the stuff they do when they get here is completely Fubared. Here's 5 off the top of my head things I see and why doing them isn't helping but hurting you and your progress. Jacked Up Thing 1: Walking on a Flat Treadmill. Walking on a flat treadmill, incline at 0%, is terrible for your knees and hips. On a treadmill you're not actually propelling … [Read more...]