These exercises, unlike this guy, are pretty awesome and you should at some point and time do them. Incline Bench Row with Dumbbells: We sit a, all day, in a flexion (pulled forward) position which results in shoulders forward Desk Jockey Syndrome. To correct this people could use some more rowing, a lot 2 times as much rowing (pulling) as pushing. But here's the problem with most rows: They require a good deal of thoracic extension and scapular control which, are mobility issues that people with Desk Jockey Syndrome, do not have. So they do rows and look like this: Notice the rounded over or chest … [Read more...]
3 Awesome Exercises You’re not Doing
November 16, 2012 by Roy:
Filed Under: Program design, training articles, Uncategorized Tagged With: bench row, exercises, Floor press, slider hamstrings