This is a continuation from Part 1 which you can find by clicking here: Fake News, Part 1 BTW: this a LITERAL continuation. I wrote the post in its entirety. it was 7,000 words and ain't nobody got time for that. So I tried to find logical ending points every 1500-2500 words and break it up. SO, like I said, GO READ PART 1. Then come back and hit up part 2. Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain I'm not gonna lie, I hear this the most and it always has me feeling like: Wait But What? Artificial sweeteners have a VERY low-calorie content. For all intended purposes its ZERO. How the hell could they cause weight gain? "A new meta-analysis and … [Read more...]
Fake News: Science and The Media, Part 1
*Be forewarned this is the first in a series of posts. There is literally NO TRANSITION from one to the next. The original post was about 7000 words and aint no body got time for that. So I chopped it up into readable bites. Literally I decided on what I thought were good points to rest and CUT and PASTE into the next post. So they do stop and start a bit abruptly, but you're smart and can handle it. The intention is to educate a bit on some science(y) type stuff you may not really understand so that you have the tools to be more mistrustful educated and skeptical about media driven science. So the next time you hear "A new study out today" from some mouthpiece on the … [Read more...]