First Things First: If you're overweight and/ or have a weight problem. It's You're Fu@king Fault It's not your genes, *that's not how genes work it's not your coworkers who bring in donuts, it's not because someone puts a gun to your head every night and forces you to drink a bottle of wine or eat at the clown house every night. It's your fault, you have control over you, it didn't just happen. And that is a great thing, because, since you're not a victim of your weight: YOU HAVE 100% CONTROL OVER IT AND CAN CHANGE IT. Now we can get onto the important stuff. If we're talking about someone who starts out with a lot of weight to lose: It's Really F-ing … [Read more...]
The War on Fat: Keep one In the Chamber
*Before I get started: this article is NOT meant for someone who has an appreciable amount of fat to lose. If you're 30% or more body NEED to go full on Tony Montana. At least for a little while. Pull out all the stops, up the cardio, cut the cals, etc. However, if you're in pretty good shape, but not as lean as you'd like to be, this is more up your alley. We need to all agree on ONE basic premise before we start. The body ADAPTS to the stress(ors) applied to it. That means, the body follows this model: General Adaption Syndrome So think of everything (stressor) that promotes fat loss is like a bullet in an old time … [Read more...]
Training The Overweight/ Obese Client
"I Thought You Only Trained Athletes?" I wish....but not really Athletes can do ANYTHING and they're fun to train because of that. You show them once and they have it down, better than me, stronger than me.. But here's the fact: "Until you're at the top, you better train all types of people, not just the fun ones"- Mike Boyle If I only trained athletes, I'd be eating Ramen noodles in a cardboard box every night. The vast majority of my clients are regular people who want to be more awesome. Eventually, they become super awesome, but at first they're usually pretty terrible below average physically and this usually includes being somewhat to very … [Read more...]
Genetics Didn’t Make you Fat, Just Lazy
New at Science Daily, Couch Potatoes Explained? Missing Key Genes may be Cause for Lack of Resolve to Exercise Researchers Find Researchers breed some mice who lacked 2 genes. These genes controlled the release of AMPK (activated protein kinase). It gets released when you exercise and leads to the production of more mitochondria in the cell. Bio 101: mitochondria the "power house" of the cell. Mitochondria metabolize glucose and produce energy. It looks like the "lazy" mice couldn't produce the energy needed: "While the normal mice could run for miles, those without the genes in their muscle could only run the same distance as down the hall and … [Read more...]