These are just some random musings about gym stuff that goes on, things people say and do but really shouldn't. 1. Telling People That You are in, Entering or Going "Beast Mode".... When you do this every one immediately knows you're an asshat, so that's a good thing. We don't have to guess ow wait to find out. Think about it for a second. If you're just now entering "Beast Mode" what the hell were you doing in here before? Wuss Mode? 2. Curls in the Squat Rack. Besides the fact that it's sacrilegious, being as the squat rack IS the temple of the's just lazy and it makes you an inconsiderate jerk. If some dude want's to squat 300lbs and … [Read more...]
Genetics Didn’t Make you Fat, Just Lazy
New at Science Daily, Couch Potatoes Explained? Missing Key Genes may be Cause for Lack of Resolve to Exercise Researchers Find Researchers breed some mice who lacked 2 genes. These genes controlled the release of AMPK (activated protein kinase). It gets released when you exercise and leads to the production of more mitochondria in the cell. Bio 101: mitochondria the "power house" of the cell. Mitochondria metabolize glucose and produce energy. It looks like the "lazy" mice couldn't produce the energy needed: "While the normal mice could run for miles, those without the genes in their muscle could only run the same distance as down the hall and … [Read more...]